Site where the Berlin Wall was recently taken down. Memorial crosses are pictured honoring those who died trying to escape from East Germany. Berlin, Germany 1989.
The photograph was taken at the site of where the Berlin Wall used to stand (it had recently come down). The image is looking toward East Berlin, Germany 1989.
From left to right: Sister Rosemary Lynch (OSF: Order of St. Francis), an unidentified man, Dom Hélder Câmara (Archbishop of Recife and Olinda, Brazil), Gianni Novelli, and an unidentified man in Castellamare, Italy March 14, 1991.
From left to right: Luigi, Franco Passuello (ACLI: Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani) [Christian Association of Italian Workers], Dom Hélder Câmara (Archbishop of Recife and Olinda, Brazil), and Sister Rosemary Lynch at the University of Calabria in Cosenza, Italy May 13, 1991.
From left to right: Luigi, Franco Passuello (ACLI: Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani) [Christian Association of Italian Workers], Sister Rosemary Lynch , and Dom Hélder Câmara (Archbishop of Recife and Olinda, Brazil) at the University of Calabria in Cosenza, Italy May 13, 1991.