Toni Clark takes a peek into a CBS TV camera as an unidentified crew member watches at Wilbur Clark's home, located adjacent to the Desert Inn golf course, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1957.
Toni Clark standing outside her front door being filmed by a CBS TV crew, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1957. Her home is located adjacent to the Desert Inn golf course.
Toni and Wilbur Clark on a CBS-TV show. Show was filmed at the Clark home in Las Vegas, 331 E. Desert Inn Rd, May 15, 1957. The show was "Person to Person" with Edward R. Murrow.
Toni and Wilbur Clark on a CBS-TV show. Show was filmed at the Clark home in Las Vegas, 331 E. Desert Inn Rd, May 15, 1957. The show was "Person to Person" with Edward R. Murrow.