Handwritten description provided on back of image: "N. S. 1st commencement, 6/3/64. Frank Wartman of Boulder City, first recipient of an honorary doctorate at Nevada Southern. L. to R.: Archie C. Grant, Chairman of the Board of Regents; President Armstrong; Dr. Wartman; Dr. Dandini, University Marshall." Group Creators credit goes to Photo/Rama.
President Armstrong inside of the Geoscience Building for the commencement ceremony at Nevada Southern University, now known as the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Image is from Las Vegas Sun. Individual Creator credit goes to Ken Jones.
The faculty procession for the commencement ceremony at Nevada Southern University, now known as the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Image is from Las Vegas Sun. Individual Creator credit goes to Ken Jones.
The smiling faculty of Nevada Southern University, now the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, walking towards the commencement procession. Image is from Las Vegas Sun. Individual Creator credit goes to Ken Jones.
Dr. Dandini, University Marshall, leading the faculty procession for the Nevada Southern University (NSU) commencement ceremony in Las Vegas. NSU is now known as the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "June 14, 1965 - Mrs. Jacqueline Monzeot receiving the Nevada Contennial Medal Scholars award from Dean William D. Carlson."
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "June 14, 1965 - Judge John Mowbray administering the Civic Oath to the graduates." Image is from Las Vegas Sun. Individual Creator credit goes to Ken Jones.
The commencement ceremony for Nevada Southern University, now known as the Unvierstiy of Nevada, Las Vegas. Dr. Love is pictured here giving the commencement address.
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "June 14, 1965 - Archie C. Grant receiving the Distinguished Nevadan Award." Image is from Las Vegas Sun. Individual Creator credit goes to Ken Jones.