Partial aerial view, looking west, of University of Nevada, Las Vegas (then Nevada Southern University) campus. The Gymnasium is at the left, the library building is in the center and the Fong Geoscience Building is at the right (all with deep shadows to the east). A small parking lot is next to the library.
Aerial view, looking west, of University of Nevada, Las Vegas (then Nevada Southern University) campus. Maude Frazier Hall and Archie Grant Hall (at an angle) are seen in the foreground. The round library building is in the center behind them. The Gymnasium is at the upper left, and the Fong Geoscience Building is at the upper center.
Partial aerial view, looking southwest of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus. Construction on the Flora Dungan Humanities Building is seen at the left center.
Partial aerial view, looking west, of University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus, showing construction on the Juanita Greer White Life Sciences building (gray building near center right of photo).
Aerial view, looking northwest, of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus, showing construction on Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall. The Landmark Hotel is seen in the north (center right of the photo).
Aerial view, looking west, of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus. The photo shows the entire campus from Tonopah residence hall on the south to the Judy Bayley Theater on the north and Frazier Hall on the east to the EPA buildings on the west. Intersection of Maryland Parkway and Harmon Ave. is seen in the foreground.