Don Brinkerhoff of Lifescapes International designed features of Las Vegas casinos such as the Mirage volcano, the Bellagio conservatory, the Wynn Las Vegas mountain, the Encore Casino gardens, and the surroundings of the Welcome to Las Vegas sign on the Las Vegas Strip. He grew up in the southern California suburb of El Monte.
Karen Walker was born February 18, 1967 in Las Vegas, Nevada. She grew up working at her parents’ local restaurant, Hamburger Heaven. She attended community college and graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 1985.
Dolly Kelepecz was born January 22, 1956 in Covina, California. She traveled with the Los Angeles Ballet Society as a young dancer and eventually her career opportunities would allow her traverse the globe as a dancer and a circus entertainer. Kelepecz was hired as a dancer in the Bluebells at 19-years-old. She proceeded to become a Las Vegas showgirl, crossed paths with Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal, worked with Fluff LeCoque, and became a dancer in Stardust Hotel and Casino’s Lido show.
Ann Lynch was born in Kansas City, Kansas in 1934. She attended Baker University in Baldwin, Kansas. She came to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1959. She was very involved with the girl scouts, the Nevada chapter of the Parent Teacher Association, the Sunrise Hospital Children's Foundation, the Public Education Foundation, and with lobbying in both the state and federal legislatures.