She once lived in Millers, Nevada during the early 1900's.
Mack Foster once lived in Berlin, Nevada during the late 1800's - early 1900's. When he was in his late sixties or early seventies (circa 1952), he visited Tonopah, Nevada. He was known for being a rough character and carrying brase knuckles and a sawed off revolver. He died around 1962.
Bio taken from Wikipedia: "Phil Foster (born Fivel Feldman; March 29, 1913 – July 8, 1985) was an American actor and performer. He is best known for playing Frank DeFazio on the television sitcom Laverne & Shirley."
Will Foster once lived in Berlin, Nevada during the late 1800's - early 1900's. He has also been photographed with his brother in Goldfield, Nevada.
Photographer-journalist. Author of book "Écrit à Buchenwald, 1944-1945," Boutique de l'histoire éditions, 2001.