Accounts or histories of the descent of persons, families, or other groups, from an ancestor or ancestors; enumerations of ancestors and their descendants in the natural order of succession.
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Histories that are distinctly localized in subject matter or source materials, focusing on specific neighborhoods, communities, counties, or other specific subdivisions of larger geopolitical bodies.
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Original and entire drafts or transcripts of musical compositions or arrangements. Typically having the parts of all the different instruments or voices written on staffs one above another, so that they can be read at a glance.
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Books with blank pages used for assembling and presenting a collection, or any unpublished sets of pages that are bound or loose-leaf and have other materials affixed to them or writing or other images made on them. The volume may have been constructed with blank pages that were intended to have materials affixed, or it may have been assembled after having had materials affixed to separate pages.
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