Lorelle Nelson was born on April 29, 1941. She did extensive research into atomic testing and co-edited the 1987 book, The Mushroom Cloud and the Downwinders. As of 2020, Lorelle Nelson still resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Genealogy files about "Lorelle J. Nelson." Accessed January 8, 2020. Accessed from Familysearch.org
Harry Floyd Alter was born in Leryo, Illinois on September 30, 1887 to Evalyn McFarland and William Peterson Alter. He married Mary Alice Lake on February 1, 1909, and they had eight children. Alter died on July 5, 1984 in Los Angeles, California.
Genealogy files about "Harry Floyd Alter." Accessed on March 13, 2020 on familysearch.org
Lucille Marleau "Seely" Cragin was born in September 25, 1898 in Los Angeles, California to Louis Marleau and Lucy Mueller. She married Ernie W. Cragin in 1917 and had one son, Marleau J. Cragin, who died October 25, 1944 during World War II. She remained in Las Vegas until her death on August 4, 1991.
Genealogy files about "Lucille A. Cragin." Accessed on March 18, 2020 on familysearch.org