"The King Charles Troupe, created by Jerry King, hails from The Bronx, New York. A unicycle buff all his life, Mr. King taught his young son, Charles, to ride a one-wheeler. Neighborhood kids soon demanded lessons and the unique basketball-unicycle act was born. The name of the troupe is a play on words of the son's name, Charles King. Word spread about the Bronx unicyclers and, in 1968, the guys auditioned for Irvin Feld on a sidewalk near Madison Square Garden. The producer was delighted with the act and welcomed them into Ringling Bros.
Corporate Body
"FUBU (pronounced "foo-boo") is an American hip hop apparel company. FUBU stands for "For Us, By Us" and was created when the founders were brainstorming for a catchy four-letter word following other big brands such as Nike and Coke. It includes casual wear, sports wear, a suit collection, eyewear, belts, and shoes."
Corporate Body