Archival objects in this container: T-Shirt Color: Blue; Front: Lubbock Fire Fighters IAFF 972, Local Union Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Salem Fire Department Engine 1 Central, Goucher, Dept. Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Black; Front: Philadelphia Fire Department Engine 55, Ladder 22, Dept. Emblem; Back: PFD, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Toronto Fire Fighters, Maple Leaf; Back: Toronto Firefighters IAFF Local 3888, Local Union Emblem; Handwritten Text: We Will Never Forget You Guys!! - Neil McRinnon, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Weymouth Fire Rescue, Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: Weymouth Fire Rescue, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: San Jose Fire Fighters Local 230, Fire Hat And Tools; Back: San Jose Fire Fighters Local 230, Fire Hat And Tools, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: FDNY 5-5-5-5; Back: FDNY Fire Department City Of New York, Americas Imprimus Fraters Aeternus, Dept. Emblem, Eagle And Fire Tools, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Toronto Firefighters, Maple Leaf; Back: Toronto Firefighters Local 3888, Local Union Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Ipswich Fire IAFF, Local Union Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Burnaby Firefighters Local 323; Back: Burnaby Firefighters Local 323, Local Union Emblem, American Flag And Canadian Flag, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Red; Front: Lebanon Local # 1952, Local Union Emblem, approximately 2001-2012