Archival objects in this container: T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Shelby County Fire Dept., Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: Shelby Fire County; Handwritten Text: We Will Not Forget Our Departed Brothers & Sisters., approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Fire Department Deerfield, NY, Dept. Emblem; Back: Fire Deerfield, NY, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Oshkosh Fire Dept. On The Water, Local 316, Dept. Emblem; Back: Oshkosh Fire/Rescue; Handwritten Text: Eric 903 WI, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: Professional Firefighters Ft. Wayne Local 124, Local Union Emblem; Back: Professional Firefighters Ft. Wayne Local 124, Local Union Emblem; Handwritten Text: Engine 5 - Signatures, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Coon Rapids Fire Dept. Local 1935, Local Union Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Orange; Front: Medical Emblem; Back: Scenic Valley Emergency Medical Ser., Medical Emblem; Handwritten Text: Cochrane WI, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Woodstock Fire Rescue Distinct, Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: WFRD, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: Nebraska Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run, Special Olympics Logo; Back: United We Stand 9/11 Nebraska Law Enforcement, American Flag; Handwritten Text: Lincoln PD 787 794, 9-11-02, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Blue; Front: Affinity Health System, 18th In The Nation Integrated Healthcare Network, Star, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Blue; Front: American Flag patch, approximately 2001-2012