Archival objects in this container: T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Helena Fire Dept., Dept. Emblem; Back: Helena Fire Dept., approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Colorado Springs Local 5 IAFF, Local Union Emblem; Back: Colorado Springs Firefighters; Handwritten Text: God Bless Our Brothers!! 2002, Signatures, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: Bloomington, IN Local 586, Local Union Emblem, American Flag And Canadian Flag; Handwritten Text: John 15:13, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Red; Front: Never Forgotten September 11, 2001 Local 900, Local Union Emblem; Back: Firefighters Boulder Fire Fighters 2002 Racing Team; Handwritten Text: In Our Hearts Forever! - Boulder, Colorado, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Fire Rescue Angwin, Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: Angwin Fire Department 18, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Independence Fire Fighters, Local Union Emblem; Back: IPFF Independence Fire Fighters, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: World Trade Center Forever In Our Hearts FDNY In Memory Sept. 11, 2001; Back: FDNY, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: State Police NJ; Back: New Jersey State Police, Honor, Duty, Fidelity, Dept. Emblem; Handwritten Text: To All Our Fallen Brother, We Will Never Forget - NJSP, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: Midwest City Local 2066; Back: Midwest City Firefighters, Local Union Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: Euclid Fire Department, Flame; Handwritten Text: Local # 337 Signatures, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Agawam Mass. Fire Dept., Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: Agawam Fire Paramedic, approximately 2001-2012