Archival objects in this container: T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: IAFF L-91, Local Union Emblem; Back: God Bless Our Fallen Brothers & Sisters, United We Stand, Dept. Emblems And American Flag; Handwritten Text: Never To Be Forgotten, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: Laingsburg Where The City And Country Meet Founded In 1836, Old City; Back: Laingsburg Lions 1995 Springtime Festival; Handwritten Text: Never Forget 9/11 - Signatures, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Aurora Fire Dept., Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: Aurora Fire Dept.; Handwritten Text: To The True Heroes - I Salute You All!, FDNY Need Anything Else Said., FDNY Our Prayers Are With You., God Bless New York., Forever In Our Hearts, Prayers And Daily Thought!, Thanks You - Various Signatures, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Howard Fire Dept., Fire Prevention, WI, Dept. Emblem; Back: Howard Fire Dept., approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Emergency Medical Services, Tohono O'Odham Nation Indian Health Service Sells Hospital, Communication, Dept. Emblem; Back: Sells EMS Rescue, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Harahan Platoon A Fire Dept., Dept. Emblem; Back: Fire 2nd District, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: New Danville Fire Company Festival 2000 June 8, 9, 10, Fire Station; Back: New Danville Fire Company, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: White; Front: Ferndale Fire, Fire Dept. Emblem; Handwritten Text: IAFF Local 812 - Numerous Signatures, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: New Egypt Fire Co. Station 39 2001 100th Anniversary, Dept. Emblem; Back: New Egypt Vol. Fire Co. Station 39 Ocean County, NJ, 100th Anniversary, Fire Station And Fire Engines, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Jefferson Central Fire District, Fire EMS, Fire Dept. Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Tacoma Fire Fighters, IAFF, Local Union Emblem, approximately 2001-2012