Archival objects in this container: T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: F.D.N.L., Dept. Emblem; Back: FDNL, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: FDNL City Of New London Fire Department, Dept. Emblem; Back: Fire Department City Of New London, Engine Ladder With Two Firemen Fighting A Fire, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Rescue Tondabayashi, Dept. Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: White; Front: Palo Alto Ladder Co. 6, Double Axe; Back: Palo Alto Ladder Co. 6, Double Axe; Handwritten Text: All Gave Some, Some Gave All, 5-25-02, Signatures, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Police Scuba Team New York City, Dept. Emblem; Back: NYPD Scuba Team, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Firefighter Ludington, Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: Ludington Fire Dept., Fire Dept. Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: White; Front: Lee Fire Dept., N.H., Dept. Emblem; Back: 50th Anniversary Lee Fire Department, Dept. Emblem, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Black; Front: LSU Fire & Emergency Training Institute, Dept. Emblem; Back: LSU Fire And Emergency Training Institute, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: White; Front: In Memory Of Our Heroes, Three Firemen Standing Up The Flag Pole; Handwritten Text: Robert Cordice, To All The Souls That We Lost On 9-11-01 Your Memory Will Live On Forever In Our Hearts! Xoxo, To Robert Cordice: Squad 1(Brooklyn) You Are Always On My Mind And In My Heart! You Are Being Missed So Much!!!, In Loving Memory Of All NYC's.., approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Albany Int'l Airport Fire Dept., Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: Albany Fire Rescue Airport, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Gray; Front: Property Of Waukesha YMCA Wisconsin Flag Football; Handwritten Text: Anthony, Age 12, August 10th 2002, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: San Antonio Fire Dept. Truck 8, Fire Dept. Emblem; Back: SAFD Truck 8, approximately 2001-2012 T-Shirt Color: Navy Blue; Front: Waterford Township, NJ. Fire Dept. Dist. 23, Dept. Emblem; Back: WTFD; Handwritten Text: Numerous Signatures, approximately 2001-2012