Archival objects in this container: "1997 World Series of Poker" ESPN produced, 1997 "The Life and Times of Benny Binion, the Sequel," produced by AME 1133 N. Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505, 1987 November 30 "1998 World Series of Poker" ESPN produced, 1998 "World Series of Poker (Nov. 87 Master)" , Translor Films, 1988 April 25 "1999 30th Annual World Series of Poker" Binion's produced, 1999 "World Championship of Poker", Translor Films, 1987 August 19 "31st Annual World Series of Poker", Discovery Channel, 2000 "WSOP Texas Hold'em Championship", by the Video Company (3-minute runtime) followed by unrelated chidren's talent show, 1988 "Inside the World Series of Poker 2001", Discovery Channel, 2001 "World Series of Poker 1982" Henri Bollinger's copy, 1982 "20th Annual World Series of Poker, Version 2", 1989 "21st Annual World Series of Poker", Translor Films, 1990 June 26 "Nevada's Largest Birthday Party", approximately 1987 "World Series of Poker: Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous", KVVU TV 5, provided by Off-Air Recording Service, 1986 February 02 "Women's 7-Card Stud Poker Champs Newsroom Coverage, Binion's Horseshoe Casino", 1979 May 14 to 1979 May 17 "No Limit Hold 'Em Finals, World Series of Poker, Binion's", 1979 May 21 to 1979 May 25 "19th, 20th, and 21st Annual World Series of Poker", 1990 "1992 World Series of Poker" 23rd Annual WSOP, 1992 "1993 World Series of Poker" 24th annual WSOP, 1993 "1994 World Series of Poker" 25th annual WSOP, 1994 "1995 World Series of Poker" 26th annual WSOP, 1995