Archival objects in this container: California and Nevada scenes, approximately 1900-1905 Fremont Street, Las Vegas, Nevada, approximately 1940-1959 Fremont Street, Las Vegas, Nevada, approximately 1940-1959 Aerial view of the Las Vegas Valley looking northwest towards Mount Charleston, 1945 Hoover Dam, undated Postcard of casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, approximately 1940-1949 Aerial view of Las Vegas looking northwest; Fremont Street in center, approximately 1956-1959 Aerial view of Las Vegas looking northeast up 2nd Street, undated Black Canyon during preliminary stages of construction of the Hoover Dam (colorized photograph), approximately 1930-1933 Lake Mead, approximately 1950-1959 Portrait of George Arthur Fayle, approximately 1890-1910 Wedding of Anna Louise Trapnell and Leonard Fayle: Fredrick Trapnell, Anna Louise Trapnell Fayle, Leonard Fayle, Arthur Fayle, and others, 1932 July 20 Anna Louise Trapnell Fayle on her wedding day, 1932 July 20 Anna Louise Trapnell and family, approximately 1920-1929 Wedding party, including Anna Louise Fayle, undated Louise Trapnell, approximately 1960-1969 Louise Trapnell, approximately 1960-1969 Anna Fayle, approximately 1990 Huntridge neighborhood Cub Scout troop, including Ed Fayle, approximately 1940-1941 Anna Fayle, Jean Fayle Boggs, and another person at the Petrified Forest, Utah, undated Jean Fayle Boggs with dogs, undated