Archival objects in this container: Finistere by Fritz Peters, 1951 Maybe-Tomorrow by Jay Little, 1952 The Divided Path by Nial Kent, 1952 Never the Same Again by Gerald Tesch, 1956 Twilight Men by Andre Tellier, 1957 Morals Charge by Paul Hunter, 1961 Mr. Ballerina by Ronn Marvin, 1961 Rome After Dark by Robert Orsi, 1962 Two by Eric Jordan, 1963 Sex-Life and the Criminal Law by John Roeburt, 1963 The Homosexual Explosion by Norm Winski, 1966 A Queer Kind of Death by George Baxt, 1967 July That Certain Summer by Burton Wohl, 1973 October For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America by Robin Lloyd, 1976