Archival objects in this container: An Analysis of the Tax Structure and Profitability of Nevada Gaming Industry in Comparison with other Nevada Industry Sectors, 2001, 2003 February Casino Management Challenges in a Rapidly Changing Environment, and Executive Development Program judged by Eadington, 1994 September Comment on Kindt's Paper, 1994 Conference notes, National Association of Gambling Studies (NAGS), 1985 Consultant's Report: Implications of Casino Development in Quebec Province, 1990 September The Economics of Gambling Behavior: An Economic Analysis of Nevada's Tourist Industry, 1973 The Emergence of Casino Gaming as a Major Factor in Tourism Markets: Policy Issues and Considerations, 1993 November "Evaluating Volatility and Performance of Play of Premium Players", 1994 Executive Development Program: Casino Management Issues in Increasingly Competitive Markets, 1993 Executive Development Program, Casinos: Management and Strategy in a Dynamic Environment, 2000 October Executive Development Program, Growth, Change and Challenges: Strategic Planning and Critical Issues for the Gaming Industry, 2002 October A Forecast of the Gaming Industry in Nevada to 1990, 1979 Growth, Change, and Challenges: Strategic Planning and Critical Issues for the Gaming Industry, 2002 October Keynote speech for the International Conference on Casino Development and Strategy, Seoul, Korea, 2007 July State of Nevada of the Slot Machine Route Operator Industry, 1992 Various presentation notes, 1987, 1990