Archival objects in this container: The Holy Bible with A Devotional and Practical Commentary. London and New York: James S. Virtue, approximately 1800 to 1899 The Illustrated London News. London: William Little, 1843 Comic Actors by Meggendorfer, Lothar. London: H. Grevel & Co., approximately 1800 to 1899 Sixty Years A Queen by Bart, Sir Herbert Maxwell. Harmsworth Bros Limited, approximately 1838 London by Doré, Gustave; Jerrold, Blanchard. Grant & Co., 1872 The Pilgrim's Progress; The Holy War; Visions of Heaven and Hell; Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. by Bunyan, John. Edinburgh: Thomas C. Jack, Grange Publishing Works., 1894 Pictures and Plums for Fingers & Thumbs by Vredenburg, Edric . Ernest Nister 24 St. Bride Street, C.C., 1893 Orlando The Marmalade Cat a Trip Abroad by Hale, Kathleen. London: Country Life, 1939 Only for Very Good Children by Nister, Ernest. E.P. Dutton & Co. New York, 1905 Constable's Miscellany of original and selected publications in the various departments of literature, science, and the arts. Edinburgh: Printed for Constable and Co. Edinburgh, vol. 45, 1829 Times Past; or sketches of the manners of mankind in the last century. London: printed at the Minerva Press, vol. 1, 3, 1805 The Life of Sir William Wallce, the Scots patriot. Edinburgh: printed by Oliver & Boyd, 1810 La Bagatelle; intended to introduce children of three or four years old to some knowledge of the French language. London: printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, vol. 2, 1817 On the Education of Daughters; translated from the French of the Abbe Fenelon. London: printed by W. Darton, 1812 The Odyssey of Homer; translated by Alexander Pope. London: printed at the Stanhope Press by Charles Whittingham, vol. 2, 1809 Miles Wallingford by Cooper, J. Fenimore. London: George Routledge and Sons, approximately 1850 to 1859 The Housemaid. London: Houlston and Wright, 1863 The Antiquary, part 3 by Scott, Sir Walter. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1867 The Family Shakespeare by Bowdler, Thomas. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1860 Red Gauntlet by Scott, Sir Walter. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1868 Young Naturalist's Library: Hummingbirds by Adams, H. G.. London: Groombridge and Sons, approximately 1860 to 1869 Manuals for the Many: The Greenhouse; its plants and management. London: Journal of Horticulture and Home, approximately 1800 to 1869 Rob Roy by Scott, Sir Walter. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1867 The Poetical Works of Nicholas Rowe. Edinburg [sic]: Apollo Press, 1781 John Guy's popular English Catechisms by Guy, John. London: T. J. Allman, approximately 1860 to 1869 Load More