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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Theta Theta Omega Chapter program report






From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.

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    man001916. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Theta Omega Chapter Program Report - December 7, 2002To the hardworking, dedicated sorors of Theta Theta Omega Chapter, we thank you for your leadership and support of Alpha Kappa Alpha programs during the 2002 program year. We have Blazed New Trails and now share the Spirit of Alpha Kappa Alpha. We have completed an awesome year of activities. On behalf of our Madam Basileus Kaweeda Adams and your executive committee, we express our gratitude for your support.For the past two years, our Basileus Soror Kaweeda Greene Adams has epitomized the Spirit of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Through her leadership:a. Theta Theta Omega Chapter is now 82 members strong.b. Our fantastic Sisterly Relations/Hospitality Committee helped us get to know each other better and become closer as sorors.c. Our ON TRACK program at H. P. Fitzgerald Elementary School received $500 Diamler Chrysler Award at the 2002 Far Western Regional Conference.d. To further make us smile, Soror Kaweeda traveled to Atlanta, GA to witness the presentation of the prestigious Turner Broadcasting Image Award for Education to Mrs. Priscilla Graves, the teacher in our ON TRACK program. Soror Kaweeda nominated Mrs. Graves for the award for her work with ON TRACK program.e. Soror Kaweeda helped facilitate the local premier of the 2002 Image Awards.f. Through her support and encouragement, two grants were received for the Arts and Humanities program. One grant from the Nevada Humanities Committee and one from Nevada Business Services. We all have fond memories of the evening with Kim Russell portraying Harriett Tubman and the most recent Multicultural Dance Festival held at the Cambridge Arts Center.g. The chapter formed a partnership with the Clark County Public Education Foundation to serve as a clearinghouse to recruit and assist with the AKA Scholarship process. Clark County students received $8000 in scholarships from Alpha Kappa Alpha during her tenure.h. Theta Theta Omega was well represented in the Martin Luther King Parade.i. The chapter had represent zwaj. The Ivy AKAdemy has over^e'AKA Teens participating.k. We have teamed with our undergraduate chapter, Kappa Xi to support their chapter activities.l. The chapter has full participation in the Educational Advancement Foundation efforts.m. Over 230 for each of the past two years enjoyed hearing pearls of wisdom from 18th Supreme Basileus Larzette Hale, past Supreme Grammateus Rosalind Griffin at our annual Founders Day activities, and our beloved Regional Director Diana G. Shipley. We also expanded recognition of our community partners at the 2002 Luncheon.n.
    The first SIDS Workshop was held at St. James the Apostle Catholic Church.
    Theta Theta Omega provided support that helped NBLIC receive the first Cornelia Banks Health Award at the 2001 Far Western Regional Conference. Soror Kaweeda now serves as a member of the Las Vegas Chapter NBLIC Advisory Board.
    AKA Make a Difference Day was initiated in 2001 with donations in food, clothing, and supplies to a local women's shelter.
    Bylaws were revised and a revised Manual of Standard Operations was adopted.
    The fourth annual community economics seminar will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2002.
    Who could forget the Soror Kaweeda and Honey Do Eric's reign as the 2001 Mardi Gras Ball King and Queen.
    Fifty Thanksgiving baskets have been delivered to families in need the past two years.
    Over 80% of the chapter sorors have the completed the leadership modules.
    We average 60 sorors per meeting.
    We averaged 18 or more sorors at clusters, regional conferences, and Boules.
    Soror Kaweeda has encouraged active chapter participation at the regional and national levels.
    The number of chapter sorors sitting on regional committees has increased significantly. Beginning in 2001,
    Leadership Task Force: Soror Jackie Hall
    Standards: Soror Quin Rivers
    Connection: Soror Ouida Brown
    Far West Region Boule Hospitality Committee Chair: Soror Billie Rayford Regional Conference Presenters: Soror Sharon Savage and Kaweeda Adams
    In 2002:
    Program Committee:
    Soror Kaweeda Adams
    Awards and Honorary Members:
    Soror Ouida Brown
    Soror Sandra Stewart-Bass
    Soror Annette Craighead
    Golden and Diamond Sorors:
    Soror Dorothy Johnson
    Soror Ethel Archibald
    Soror Verlia Davis-Hoggard
    2002 Regional Conference Parilamentarian:
    Soror Lavonne Lewis
    Soror Published in the New AKA Song Book:
    Soror Clair Hart
    International Connection Committee Representative:
    Soror Billie Rayford
    Cluster, Regional Conference, and Boule Facilitators and Recorders have included: Sorors Patti Hester, Barbara McCants-Hill, and Ouida Brown
    Cluster and regional conference presenters have included: Sorors Jackie Hall, Celese Rayford, Quin Rivers,
    Verlia Davis-Hoggard, Lavonne Lewis, Sharon Savage, Billie Rayford and Kaweeda Adams.
    z. Chapter standards evaluation process was used to take the chapter to the next level.
    aa. You championed leadership training. Chapter members have had numerous opportunities for training, which included chapter operations workshops, cluster, chapter retreats, leadership seminars, regional conferences, and Boules.
    bb. You have given new meaning to the use of technology. We beamed with pride as you presented the program launch at the 2002 InterMountain Cluster from you handheld computer.
    Soror Kaweeda,
    In life, as in art, the presence of light makes the ordinary...extraordinary. And nothing sheds light on our lives like those people we call friends and sorors. The light of friendship illuminates our daily lives and reflects back upon those loving friends who bestow it. Like light, friendship brings warmth and security to our lives. With friends we know that we are not alone in this world...that there is someone to lean on when times are difficult and someone to share in celebrating the joy and blessings that we receive.
    There is no blessing like a friend and soror for life. There are people with whom we can always be ourselves, with whom we can always share our deepest fears, our most sincere thoughts, our fondest dreams. An often the closest of friends--like a painting-can speak volumes with no words at all.
    You have been our beacon and the Spirit beneath us for the past two years. We have accomplished much because of your vision, energy, and leadership. You have been a source of strength and stability for our chapter. You have helped us Blaze New Trails and share the Spirit of AKA. Thank you for your dedication to the ideals of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and to the sorors of Theta Theta Omega. We are blessed and honored to call you SOROR.
    Submitted by,
    Soror Billie Knight Rayford First Anti-Basileus