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National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer Las Vegas Coalition 7th Annual Health Conference program






From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file. "Cultural Competence in the 21st Century."

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    man001915. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    I National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer
    Las Vegas Coalition
    7th Annual Health Conference
    “Cultural Competence in the 21st Century”
    I “Down Home Healthy Living”

    March 26, 2002
    The Orleans Hotel and Casino
    4500 W. Flamingo Road
    Las Vegas, NV 89103
    (702) 365-7111
    l-(888)-365-7111Table of Contents
    Elaine Hall Harney, Pharm.D. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
    Oncology Associate Scientific Field Operations
    12'117 Foothill Lane
    Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
    650 948 2143
    Fax 650 949 3649
    V-Mail 800 656 5660, #19799
    E Mail eiaine.harney@
    Partners 1
    Table of Contents 3
    Registration Information 4
    Need, Goals, Objectives 5
    Targeted Population 6
    Partners and Collaborators 7
    Advertising Contract 8
    Registration Form
    Program 10 — 11— 12— 13
    Menus 14
    Hotel Information 15
    NBLIC Working Members 16
    Scholarship Application 17
    The Susan G. Komen
    Breast Cancer Foundation
    Las Vegas Affiliate
    4850 West Flamingo Road. Suite 27
    Las Vegas, NV 89103
    Page 2 National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer (NBLIC) Page 3Registration is $150.00 per person which includes
    the conference, continental breakfast and lunch.
    Student nurses and graduate students $50.00 with verification.
    Deadline for registration is March 1, 2002—no exceptions!
    Mail registration to Las Vegas Coalition
    PO Box 34828
    Las Vegas, NV 89133
    MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO; Las Vegas Coalition
    Registration Waiver
    A limited number of registration waivers will be available on a first come, first
    serve basis. These waivers will be available with proper verification to cancer
    survivors, low income seniors over 65 years of age and special selected students.
    Deadline date for applying: March I, 2002—no exceptions!
    A minimum of HEALTH BOOTHS are available at $25.00 for partici
    pants who wish to set up a display and will be placed around the
    perimeters of the conference room.
    This includes one (I) six foot table with skirting, signage, and two
    chairs. Vendors must register for conference in order to reserve a
    Display Booth.
    A registration form is included in this catalog and deadline date is
    March 1, 2002. No exceptions!
    The Need is
    myths and distrust
    African Americans who arrived into
    this country from many African Nations and
    U were forcefully assimilated into the majority
    culture has produced a co-existence based on a
    forced, cultural foundation which is filled with
    The pursuit of culturally competent health care has be
    come a business imperative because of the unprecedented influx of minori
    ties into the Las Vegas Valley and the State. Each diverse group brings
    their own social infrastructure and language into the community and they
    have chosen this geographic area. Therefore, it appears more likely they
    will be assimilated within a couple of generations if a cross cultural frame
    work can be built.
    Goals and-
    I Standards
    ♦ To alert health care organizations and individu
    als of the journey they must travel in developing the
    attitudes, behaviors, structures, services and policies nec
    essary for effective culturally competent standards which
    insure all patients/consumers receive from all staff mem
    bers, effective, understandable, and respectful care that is pro
    vided in a manner comparable with their cultural health beliefs and
    practices and preferred language.
    ♦ Promote culturally competent health care services by presenting to all
    levels of staff and across all disciplines ongoing education and train
    ing in culturally and linguistically appropriate service delivery.
    ♦ To remind health care organizations they should implement strategies
    to recruit, retain, and promote at all levels of the organization a di
    verse staff and leadership that are representative of the demographic
    char- acteristics of the service area.
    At the completion of this conference, the partici
    pants will be able to define culture and cultural compe
    Identify, obtain, and utilize culturally sensitive and
    relevant health education materials.
    => Identify environmental factors detrimental to
    one’s equilibrium.
    Page 4 Registration Information National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer (NBLIC) Page 5i We Want Vnii I tn AtfprJ
    Community physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, health
    educators, dietitians, social workers, local churches, community lead'
    ers, business executives, hospital personnel, government and volun
    tary health and disease advocates, cancer survivors, their families and
    friends, high risk persons of cancer and other diseases due to eco
    nomic, cultural, geographic, political, medical and environmental
    barriers and the general public.
    Continuing Education Units
    (CEU’S) are being explored for most participating health
    Lectures, videos, slides, questions and answer sessions,
    power point, exhibits, poster presentations, panel presenta
    tions, program demonstrations with class participants.
    Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.,
    Theta Theta Omega Chapter
    Las Vegas, NV
    Cancer Information Service, Seattle, Washington
    Clark County Public School System, NV
    Clark County Department of Social Service, Las Vegas, NV
    Community Partners for Better Health, Cooperative Extension, University of
    Nevada (Reno), Las Vegas, NV
    National Black Leadership, Western Region, Los Angeles, CA
    National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer II,
    National Office, Atlanta, GA
    Nevada Courage Unlimited, Inc., Las Vegas, NV
    Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation, Los Altos Hills, CA
    PMI Dental Health Plan, HMO Affiliate of Delta Dental Plan of California,
    Cerritos, CA
    Southern Nevada Black Nurses Assn., Las Vegas, NV
    Nutrition Session
    Base Line questionnaire and questionnaire on each component
    It is anticipated participants will receive logo produce bags containing a
    cookbook, logo fan, pamphlets, shopping guides as well as fruits and vegeta
    General Session
    Pre-conference and post-conference questionnaire.
    Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Las Vegas, NV
    University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, NV
    Page 6 National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer Page 7Information: Call 254-7963 or 655-3752 Information: Call 254-7963 or 655-3752
    Advertising Contract Registration Form
    We hereby authorize the Las Vegas Coalition, NBLIC, to
    insert_______ page ad in their Souvenir Journal,
    “Cultural Competence in the 21st Century”.
    Inside Front Cover $500
    Inside Back Cover $500
    Full page $100
    1/2 page $75
    1/4 page $50
    Business Card $ 25
    Patrons—one line name acknowledgement $ 10
    Print or type all ads on a separate sheet of paper
    Name____________ _____________________________ ___
    Address, City, State, Zip_______________________________ _____
    Deadline for ads: March 1, 2001
    Mail all checks to
    Las Vegas Coalition, NBLIC, PO Box 34828
    Las Vegas, NV 89133
    $ 150.00 per person
    March 1, 2001 Deadline—No Exceptions
    Late Registration $250.00
    City, State, Zip________________________________________
    Job Title_____________________________________________
    Phone____________________ Fax_____________________
    Professional Title—Circle One: RN LPN RD
    Orderly Nurse’s Aide Dietary Asst. MD OD
    Social Worker Other__________________________
    Request Health Booth (add $25.00) yes________________
    Total Amount Enclosed_________________________________
    Mail to: P. O. Box 34828, Las Vegas, NV 89133
    Checks payable to: Las Vegas Coalition, NBLIC
    Page 8 Page 9The Cast—Produced and Directed by the Las Vegas
    Subject to Change Without Notice
    Program Continued
    8:30 AM
    fast and Net-
    9:00 AM Welcome—Dorothy M. Johnson, RN,BSN
    Founder and Chair, Las Vegas Coalition, NBLIC
    Anatomy 101
    Oscar E.
    Associate Pro
    Radiation On-
    University of
    Streeter, Jr., MD
    Southern California
    (USC) School of Medicine
    Los Angeles, CA (invited)
    Assisting: Martha Drohobyczer, RN, MSN, CNM, Las Vegas
    9:50 AM “Cultural Competence in the 21 st Century”
    Shirley Bailey, DDS, FADI, FACD, Dental Director,
    Century Dental Plan, Pasadena, CA and Las Vegas
    10:35 AM Cultural Competence in Pediatric Care
    Beverly Ann Neyland, MD
    Assistant Professor
    University of Nevada Medical School, Las Vegas (invited)
    10:50 AM Cultural Competence in a Diverse Public Education
    Billie Knight Rayford
    Assistant Superintendent
    Clark County School District, Las Vegas
    11:05 AM Cultural Competence as it Relates to Low-Income
    Women and HIV-Aids
    Reva Anderson, PhD, Las Vegas
    11:20 AM Cultural Competence as it relates to Welfare Reform
    And Low Income and Minority Women
    Sonya Y. Cheltenham, BA, MAPM, LASW
    Clark County Social Services, Las Vegas
    11:45 AM Cultural Competence in the Pharmaceuticals
    Elaine Hall Harney, Pharm. D
    Oncology Associate
    Los Altos Hills, CA
    12:00 AM Diversity and Cultural Competence in the Work Place
    Susan White, BSN, RN, Public Health
    Advisor, Women’s Health Connection, NV State
    Health Dept., Carson City, NV. (invited)
    10:05 AM Break
    10:20 AM Addressing Cultural Competence Telephonically to
    a Diverse Public, Nancy Zbaren, Project Director
    and Denise Johnson, Cancer Information Service of
    the Pacific Region, Seattle, WA—A National Cancer
    Institute Program serving Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho. Nevada,
    Oregon, and
    Lunch Break
    Page 11
    Page 10Program Continued
    12:05 Invocation The Rev. Dr. Robert E. Fowler
    Sr. Pastor, Victory Missionary
    Baptist Church, 501 Madison, Las Vegas
    1:3 0 PM— Physical Activity with Audience Participation
    Down Home
    Healthy Living
    Eat 5 Fruits
    at! Vegetables
    a Day
    Novo..."lot's Qot WitA Jt!
    Nutrition and Cooking
    Dotnonstration...WltA ow gour
    met cfa(g:
    Ouida Brown, BS, MS, PhD
    Assistant Principal
    Clark County School District
    Las Vegas
    LeTs "Get Down" With
    Caroline Williams, Western Region NBLIC Director
    Drew University School of Medicine and Science
    Los Angeles, CA as Facilitator and Facilitator Aides:
    Rhoda Anderson
    Terri Polite
    Tina Rimmey
    Pamela Sands
    Page 12 Las Vegas Coalition
    Joyce Woodson, BS, RD, MS
    UNLV (Reno) Cooperative Extension Office
    Las Vegas
    Awards________ Door Prizes______ Adjournment
    Getting 5 or more servings of fruits and veg
    etables a-day is important to help you maintain
    your health. It's as simple as counting to five.
    National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer (NBLIC) Page 13Menus—Subject to Change
    Continental Breakfast
    Tomato or orange juice
    Assorted muffins
    Banana Nut Bread
    Bagels with. Low-fat Cream Cheese
    Sliced Fresh Fruit
    Regular and Decaf Coffee
    Tossed Green Salad with
    Cabernet Sauvignon Dressing
    Breast of Chicken Piccata
    Saffron Rice
    Fresh Seasonal VegetablesFresh Rolls
    I Butter
    Freshly Brewed Coffee
    Iced Tea
    Apple Pie ala Mode16 Scholarship Application 17
    NBLIC Working Members
    And Responsibilities
    Dorothy M. Johnson, RN, BSN—Founder &. Chair, Administration
    Ouida Brown, BS, MS, Ph.D, Vice-Chair—Facilitator
    Martha Wells, BA, Corresponding Secretary—Registration Chairman
    Linda Haley, Financial Secretary—Souvenir Journal Chairman
    Lillian Gates, BS, Treasurer—Kits Co-Chairman
    Rhoda Anderson, BS—Marketing
    Irene Battle, RTT & Certified Health Outreach Coordinator—Media Chairman
    Mabie Daniels—Decorations Chairman- Set-up
    Martha Drohobyczer, RN, MSN, CNM—Facilitator
    Sandra Jackson—Media &. Talk Show Hostess
    Sandra E. Lowe, RN, BSN—Health Booths Chairman
    Terri Polite, RT(T), BSN, - Marketing
    Tina Rimmey, BS— Kits Co-Chairman
    Pamela Van Pelt, BA, MS—Grants
    Joyce Woodson, BS, RD, MS - Facilitator
    All Members Help Clean-up
    Medical Advisor
    Please print all requested information
    City, State, Zip_____ __________ ;_____ ;________________________ ___________
    Cancer survivor yes
    Low Income Senior (65 or older) yes
    Student yes Verify:______________________________________
    Signature__ _■
    A limited number of $150.00 scholarships will be awarded to qualified
    Applicants on a first come -first serve basis.
    Dead Line Date : March 1,2002
    No exceptions! Please do not ask!
    Explain special dietary requirements:
    Christopher, A. Minott, MD Information: Call 254-7963 or 655-3752