From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.
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man001880. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.Theta Theta Omega Chapter March 3,2001Hospitality Report Soror Ethel ArchibaldThe first meeting for the Hospitality Committee was held at the North Area Center on Wednesday, February 25,2001 at 5:00 p.mThe purpose of the meeting was to assign the tasks for the monthly meetings and Founder's Day, March 24,2001.Soror Carolyn Parks will keep the committee aware of the reactivating and visiting sorors so that the proper paperwork can be processed and sorors can be announced at the monthly meetings. Soror Wilisha Moore will distribute the visitor and profile sheets to the appropriate sorors. All committee members will arrive early to assist with setting up the room for the monthly meetings and assist with putting things back before leaving as well as greeting the sorority.Soror Jamie Hawkins has agreed to handle the monthly raffle tickets and drawings.Tickets are on sale at $l.oo each and 6 for $5.oo. The drawings will take place after the meeting.Sorors Dawn Barnes, Lilian Gates and Shimice Villano will distribute the gifts for birthdays, anniversaries and secret sorors, after the general monthly meetings. . ,,Qautskd <Uor<* Six^r placed Hu hich -fMA call meeting is scheduled at the North Area Center for 6:00 p.m, Wednesday, March 21 to wrap the souvenirs for Founders' Day by all committee members.The next regular meeting is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, at the North Area Center.The Hospitality Committee: Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair Soror Carolyn Parks - Member Soror Dawn Barnes - Member Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member Soror Josie Gaines - Member Soror Lillian Gates - Member Soror Quin Rivers - Member Soror Shimice Villan - Member Soror Wilisha Moore - Member
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
March 21, 2001
Hospitality Committee Report: Soror, Ethel Archibald
The Hospitality Committee is meeting tonight to assemble the souvenirs for the
Founders' Day Luncheon.
Committee members will prepare 2S0 - 300 gift-wrapped souvenirs for the guest
on Saturday, plus a gift basket and appreciation gift for our guest speaker.
I am asking that all committee chairs write, call, or e-mail me regarding the
^assistance of the hospitality committee for upcoming calendar activities.
Example: April - NBLIC Conference with the Supreme Basileus and Regional
Director attending.
For sisterly relations, I would like to plan a tour of the thunderbird flight hanger to
view the aircraft up close and personal with Captain Hawkins as our guide. I want
to propose this to the membership at the April meeting, to see if sorors are
The Hospitality Committee:
Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair
Soror Carolyn Parks - Member
Soror Dawn Barnes - Member
Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member
Soror Josie Gaines - Member
Soror Lillian Gates - Member
Soror Quin Rivers - Member
Soror Shimice Villan - Member
Soror Wilisha Moore - Member
Soror Diane Stith -Member
Submitted by
Soror Ethel Archibald
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.Theta Theta Omega Chapter April 7,2001 Hospitality Report Soror Ethel ArchibaldThe Hospitality Committee held its monthly meeting at the North Area Center on Wednesday, March 28,2001 at 5:00 p.mThe purpose of the meeting was to assign the tasks for the upcoming visit of our national president and regional director later this month for the NBLIC Conference.We are asking sorors to be available to meet and greet Soror Norma Solomon White at the airport on Sunday, April 22 for her arriving flight #1629 from Cincinnati at 7:56 in the evening. The committee will prepare a banner with balloons, a gift basket and deliver her to the Gold Coast Hotel. She Leaves Las Vegas via Delta Flight #406 April 24 at 8:40 in the morning. I will pick her up and take her to the airport as a courtesy from our chapter.Soror Diana Shipley will be arriving Earlier on Sunday. Flight #362 on Southwest Airlines from San Diego at 5:25 in the evening. A sign up sheet is on the back table so I may have a reference of contact pending updates in information.The gentlemen of Kappa Alpha Psi will be hosting their regional conference in Las Vegas, April 11-15 at Caesars Palace. They are asking the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha to act as hostesses for their hospitality suite on Thursday, April 12* between the hours of 5:00 p.m until 9:00 p.m. There is a sign-up sheet for finger foods to bring to the suite and to serve as hostesses. You may contact Mr. Carl Dawson at 255-9916 (H) 799-5880 ext, 413 (W). You may also contact Soror Tina Rimmey for assistance. 657-8084 (H). I will not be available that dayFinally, I move that I be reimbursed for hospitality and courtesies to sorors to date for the amount of $205.34.Submitted by Soror Ethel ArchibaldThe Hospitality Committee: Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair Soror Carolyn Parks - Member Soror Dawn Barnes - Member Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member Soror Josie Gaines - Member Soror Lillian Gates - Member Soror Quin Rivers - Member Soror Shimice Villan - Member Soror Wilisha Moore - Member Soror Diana Stith - MemberSubmitted by Soror Ethel Archibald
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Theta Omega Chapter May 4,2001 Hospitality ReportThe Hospitality Committee held its meeting at the North Area Center on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 5:30 p.mThe purpose of the meeting was to address the responsibilities for the upcoming scholarship reception, and Juneteenth. It is requested that all committee chairs notify the Hospitality committee chair (Ethel Archibald) of any assistance needed for these functions before May 17th.The members of NBLIC and several Chapter officers met Sorors Norma Solomon White and Diana Shipley at the airport as planned on Sunday, April 22. They were escorted to the Cold Coast Hotel and registered. They were presented with gift baskets of fruit and snacks from Theta theta Omega. We took the ladies to dinner at McCormick and Schmick Restaurant where we enjoyed a welcoming dinner. Chapter members took the ladies back to the airport for their return flights home after the NBLIC Conference. I thank all the sorors who participated. The visiting sorors were overjoyed with the impressive group of sorors.I move that I be reimbursed for the amount of $53.60 for the cost of the two gift baskets presented to the national and regional officers.Submitted by, Soror Ethel ArchibaldThe Hospitality Committee: Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair Soror Carolyn Parks - Member Soror Dawn Barnes - Member Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member Soror Josie Caines - Member Soror Lillian Cates - Member Soror Quin Rivers - Member Soror Shirnice Villan - Member Soror Wilisha Moore - Member Soror Diana Stith - Member
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Theta Omega Chapter June 2,2001 Hospitality ReportThe Hospitality Committee held no monthly meeting in May. However, I was able to fulfill obligations for the day camp at H P. Fitzgerald and the flyer for the fish fry for our Juneteenth celebration as requested. I did incur an expense for the birthday and anniversary tokens to date. I move that I be reimbursed for the amount of $26.76 for those purchases.Please keep me informed of happenings over the summer so that I may represent the chapter with the courtesies that you expectEnjoy your summer vacations and holidays and well be seeing you at conferences, summer coolers and the August retreatSubmitted by, Soror Ethel ArchibaldThe Hospitality Committee: Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair Soror Carolyn Parks - Member Soror Dawn Barnes - Member Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member Soror Josie Caines - Member Soror Lillian Gates - Member Soror Quin Rivers - Member Soror Shimice Villan - Member Soror Wilisha Moore - Member Soror Diana Stith - Member
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
xiiercA Vlicua Oixieua
August 15,2001
Hospitality Report: Soror Ethel Archibald
The Hospitality Committee did not meet for the month of Mau and will be not meet again until late
fall All committee members will be notified of the next meeting.
Fd like to report that all courtesies were extend throughout the summer to the sorors that were
sick Sympathies were extended to families, and the birthdays and anniversaries were
rd like to ask all committee chairs to please give advanced notice for any assistance required of the
hospitality committee.
Founder's Pau 2002 has been set and I have investigated souvenirs for the event and I am
prepared to show samples for your approval
The Hospitality Committee:
Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair
Soror Carolyn Parks - Member
Soror Dawn Bames - Member
Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member
Soror Josie Gaines - Member
Soror Lillian Gates - Member
Soror Quin Rivers - Member
Soror Shimice Villan - Member
Soror Wilisha Moore - Member
Submitted by
Soror Ethel Archibald
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Theta Omega Chapter September 8,2001 Hospitality Report: Soror Ethel ArchibaldThe Hospitality Committee did not meet during the summer months. However, I did present at the retreat in August on sisterly relations. One idea that attending sorors liked was an activity called, Who am I? Sorors are asked to fill out and turn in a card, or e-mail me with information about yourself. Every sentence begins with, lam.......Your information will be published in the Tea Rose Talk. You will guess who the soror is prior to the monthly meeting. At the monthly meeting, the items will be read and the body will try to identify that soror. The real soror will reveal herself. I have a couple to give you an idea of how this works. This activity will help us become more knowledgeable about each other.Another activity that our committee would like to continue is Girl’s Night Out. Several activities are planned and all who want to participate can join in. The next activity is Movie Night. Tentative date is Saturday, September 22 at Sam’s Town Theaters. We all can meet for a movie and maybe ice cream afterwards. October 26, we can go bowling or to an activity at UNLV. November 12 could be Spa Day. December 22 could be a day to meet at the mall for last minute shopping with sorors for those stocking stuffer ideas.These activities are designed to spend social time with each other.Our committee will be available for intake weekend to assist the Membership Committee with duties to be announced after our regular meeting today.At this time, I would like to introduce all visiting sorors at this time.The Hospitality Committee: Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair Soror Carolyn Parks - Member Soror Dawn Barnes - Member Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member Soror Josie Gaines - Member Soror Lillian Gates - Member Soror Quin Rivers - Member Soror Shimice Villano - Member Soror Wilisha Moore - MemberSubmitted bySoror Ethel Archibald
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Theta Omega Chapter November 3,2001 Hospitality Report: Soror Ethel ArchibaldThe Hospitality Committee is requesting that the gifts brought in for secret sorors be taken today if your secret soror is absent This is because tags get lost and perishables spoil when we don't know to whom they belong. If your gift has been stored and brought back for two or more months, then you will need to reclaim your belongings. Please take the time to see if your secret person is absent if so, please take your merchandise with you. We want you to take this responsibility. Thank you all for your assistance, it is very much appreciated.I will be visiting Soror Billie Rayford in the Hospital this evening representing TTO to deliver cards and well wishes.Submitted by: Soror Ethel ArchibaldThe Hospitality Committee: Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair Soror Carolyn Parks - Member Soror Dawn Barnes - Member Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member Soror Josie Caines - Member Soror Lillian Sates - Member Soror Quin Rivers - Member Soror Shirnice Villano - Member Soror Wilisha Moore - MemberSubmitted by Soror Ethel Archibald
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
November 28,2001
Hospitality Committee Report Soror Ethel Archibald
The Hospitality Committee is scheduled to meet at 12 noon, December 1, before the
regular meeting to assist with setting up at Bob Miller MS.
I am asking that all committee chairs write, call, or e-mail me regarding the
assistance of the hospitality committee for upcoming calendar activities.
The Tamiochous report is especially needed to know who is financial when doing
acknowledgements such as birthdays and anniversaries. Also, I am requesting
extra forms for reimbursements.
Sisterly relations activities will be scheduled and announced at the monthly
meeting. I am looking into an activity at UNLV or possibly a play.
The Hospitality Committee:
Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair
Soror Carolyn Parks - Member
Soror Dawn Barnes - Member
Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member
Soror Josie Gaines - Member
Soror Lillian Gates - Member
Soror Quin Rivers - Member
Soror Shimice Villan - Member
Soror Wilisha Moore - Member
Soror Diane Stith -Member
Submitted by
Soror Ethel Archibald
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
December 1,2001
Hospitality Report
The Hospitality Committee held its meeting today at noon. We assisted the
hostesses with setting up before the regular meeting.
We are asking that all committee chairs to write, call, or e-mail me regarding any
assistance of the hospitality committee for upcoming calendar events for 2002.
I move that I be reimbursed for the amount of $194.31 for the cost of favors for
Thanksgiving for the chapter members, a gift basket for Soror Stacey Hardy-
Desmond, flowers for Soror Billie Rayford, cards, courtesies and gifts to date.
. - .. 'Tktofe 2 Soror Ethel Archibald /
The Hospitality Committee: < / ffaLg&b .
Soror Ethel Archibald - Chair
Soror Carolyn Parks - Member
Soror Dawn Barnes - Member
Soror Jamie Hawkins - Member
Soror Josie Gaines - Member
Soror Lillian Gates - Member
Soror Quin Rivers - Member
Soror Shimice Villan - Member
Soror Wilisha Moore - Member
Soror Diana Stith - Member
*Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
Committee End of Year Report
December 1,2001
Hospitality Report: Soror Ethel Archibald
Target Addressed: Hospitality/Sisterly Relations
Date/Time frame of Program Activity: Monthly
Title of Activity: Secret Soror
Description of Activity: Sorors complete personal sheets that answer questions about all
things that are their favorites. As the Hodegos, I match the sorors and assign each one a
secret soror. Each month, the sorors will acknowledge their special person in a way that
makes them feel special. The last month of the year, the sorors reveal themselves to one
another. Thirty-four sorors participated for the 2001 calendar year.
Target Addressed: Hospitality/Sisterly Relations
Date/Time frame of Program Activity: Monthly
Title of Activity: Sorors Night Out
Description of Activity: The Hospitality Committee plans a monthly activity for sorors to
have an opportunity to bond and fellowship. We have had many activities this year. Spa
Day, a few Game Nights, Several Girl’s Night Out to movies, shows, musicals, go out to
lunch/dinner, shopping, auctions and line dance nights at private homes. Sorors
participate when they are available.
Target Addressed: Hospitality/ Sisterly Relations
Date/Time frame of Program Activity: Monthly
Title of Activity: Who Am I? / Would the Real Soror Please Stand Up!
Description of Activity: At the 2001 retreat, as a presenter, I had each attending soror
complete an index card with five little known factual sentences about themselves. No
names were written on the cards. I collected all of the cards and at end of my
presentation, I read all of the sentences on one card at a time. The body would guess the
names of the sorors. This activity provides information about the sorors that we may not
have known and we get to know each other better. This activity has become part of our
regular monthly sorority meeting, at the end of my introduction of visitors; I read one
card and ask, “Who Am I?” The body will guess the name of the soror. So far, we have
had 100% correct guesses.
Submitted By: Soror Ethel Archibald