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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Theta Theta Omega Chapter committee evaluations






From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.

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    man001811. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Sorors and Guests:
    This year Theta 1 heta Omega Chapter would like to acknowledge the untiring efforts of our committee chairmen.
    G:i"SC;LiSlt; AuViSOf - oOi*Oi* xSticsFOFi oSVcsye
    The first honoree is our Graduate Advisor Soror Sharon Savage. Soror Savage serves as the chapter s liaison to the undergraduate chapter at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Under her leadership, the Theta Theta Omega and Kappa Xi chapters have been involved with collaborative efforts including Founders Day, AKA scholarship reception, AKA Teens, and the West Middle School mentoring program. Kappa Xi has

    Presented an economics seminar
    - Provided health awareness seminars

    Been recognized as having the highest overall GPA among campus Greek organizations

    Held leadership roles in campus Pan Hellenic activities.

    Members most recently performed in Pay Attention to My Wisdom
    It is my pleasure to recognize Soror Sharon Savage for the rich experiences and leadership she has provided the Kappa Xi Chapter at the University of Nevada Las \ //>/“<
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    Arts and Humanities
    Soror Kaweeda G. Adams
    As Arts and Humanities chair, this year's efforts are devoted to enriching the lives of students at H. P. Fitzgerald Elementary School by exposing them to the Arts through artists and performers such as Storyteller Nancy Hutchinson from the West Las Vegas Library.
    This afternoon you are enjoying the results of Soror Kaweeda Adams leadership as Founders Dav Committee Chairman— nooa i e-jv mnro Thic ic Qnrrir Kau/aodo’c second year as chair of this committee and we applaud her efforts.
    AKA Teens Committee Chairs Pan Heiienic Council Liaison
    Sorors Rhoda Anderson, Belisa Brownlee, Lisa McNeil. Tina Rimmev
    Sorors Anderson, Brownlee, McNeil, and Rimmev are servina as Co-chairs of the sorority's teen mentoring program AKA Teens. To their credit and that of their committee, more than 30 girls are now active in the program. Today approxim5***3!'7 ha!f of the AKA Teens are attending the youth leadership conference at UNLV and the other :ian oeiv'cu <a» yuUi iius>icaS6S. I he AKA I ucilS hSVe beeH iOVOiVed in nUmerOUS community service projects including the sorority's Thanksgiving Baskets project, assisting the homeless and children of Child Haven, the sorority's Senior Citizens and African Shoebox projects. We salute Sorors Anderson, Brownlee, and Rimmev for their outstanding leadership with the AKA Teens Committee.
    Nominations Committee
    Soror Tamika Bailey
    Soror Bailey effectively chaired the chapter election process.
    Standards Committee
    Soror Jacki Brown
    Soror Jacki Brown has led the charge for the chapter to refine the evaluation of chapter operations. I hrough her efforts, we are on target to Blaze New I rails in this millennium.
    Regional conference Nominating committee soror uuida M. Brown
    I heta I heta Omega Chapter will be well represented at the 2000 Far Western Regional Conference. One of the TTO stars will be Soror Ouida Brown serving as a member the Regional Conference Nominating Committee. We applaud her appointment to this
    bsHSrsCO GO-\-rhcsir Suu s G3 rCOSG i sZuitor
    UU!U! !¥!€■! !C3!S OUIIIO
    As the financiai secretary, Soror Burns is actively involved in keeping the chapter financially solvent. As the Tea Rose Talk Editor, the chapter receives a monthly newsletter filled with information vital to chapter operations and the social welfare of the organization. As you can see by the wonderful production today, Soror Marian is also one of the chapter's computer whiz kids.
    ON TRACK Committee and Mardi Gras Ball
    Soror Shirley Carroll
    Through Soror Shirley Carroll's ingenuity and leadership, Theta Theta Omega chapter was the recipient of a $6,700 grant for the ON TRACK program. This grant provided funding for program materials and incentives for the third grade class the chapter adopted at H. P. Fitzgerald Elementary School. The program goal is to keep children "on track" with respect to academic progress and social development. Under Soror Carroll's leadership, the sorority certainly remains focused on keeping the youngsters inspired to do their very best. She ’was also a co-chair of the 1999 and 2000 Mardi Gras Ball Committee. We salute her.
    Publicity/ Public Relations Committee
    Soror Annette Craighead
    Hear ye, hear ye, read all about is the mantra for Soror Annette Craighead. The publicity for chapter meetings and events have received attention in the sorority's national publication thanks to Soror Annette. When you hear and read all about Theta Theta Omega's activities, Soror Annette is responsible.
    Program Committee and Census 2000
    Soror Ina Dorman
    The 1999 Nevada Social Worker of the Year, Soror Ina Dorman, chaired the Program Committee that developed a!! of the wonderful oroorams that vou enioved this oast year Additionally, Soror Ina is chairing the AKA outreach for Census 2000. I believe "Superb" would describe her efforts
    3Oi Or CictiF HSi i
    Soror Ciair Hart led the committee that brings new members to Alpha Kappa Alpha. She keeps us focused on the national goals and thoroughly acquaints us with the process so that new sorors will have a positive, memorable experience when entering the organization. Our hats are off to Soror Clair Hart for her devotion to the membership committee and process.
    Ways and Means Committee
    Soror Patti Hester
    Soror Patio Hester was given the arduous task of chairing the committee responsible for runoraising. She rose to the occasion, if you had the pleasure of attending the Mardi Gras Ball, you experienced a wonderful evening. The committee's efforts will allow the chapter to support an ongoing scholarship program plus many community service projects. Thank, you for allowing AKA to fund many worthwhile projects in Clark County
    ii ix TrXrx i ■ VZ I irnr\r^n z-S »~x z~x r~»~» i i+ z—x ic~» z-x z-xz-'a i io inirAZ-i uriiH tF-xz-x mzxrizn r CZ"" - !!
    I! IO \JUIt)UU!l VJCIICIQf !! I !<? UbLjUai! I LL-'J VViUt U VVUlftO W! KJM! OF UOFOIFiy'
    Johnson in the area of health care, I believe you will get a resounding "yes" to that question. Soror Dorothy's work on the National' Black Leadership initiative on Cancer has won the local coalition regional and national recognition. She has brought women's health issues and health care to under-served populations to the forefront. She has even prompted me to write my share of letters to our political representatives at even/ level. Just this month, she was in Washington, DC presenting a paper at 7th Biennial Svmoosiijm on Minorities the Medicallv Underserved & Cancer’ Addressino the Unequal Burden of Cancer on Minorities. You Go Soror Dorothy!
    Constitution and Bylaws Committee
    Soror E. Lavonne Lewis
    Soror E. Lavonne Lewis lead the charge to review and revise the Chapter Constitution and Bylaws and what a job she did. The vision incorporated into the final document will make it a viable one document for years to come You are a great role model and visionary for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
    Educational Advancement Foundation
    AKA Teens
    Soror Lisa McNeil
    Each year that Sorer Lisa McNeil has chaired this committee, Theta Theta Omega's efforts and contributions have significantly increased. She is a champion of the Educational Advancement Foundation and her enthusiasm is contagious! Thank you Soror Lisa for making Theta Theta Omega notable donors of educational achievement.
    Finance and Membership Committee
    Soror Carolyn Parks
    When you inquire about active participation in an organization, see Soror Carolyn Parks. Not only is Soror Parks chair of the Finance Committee and co-chair of the Membership Committee, she is a "iackee of al! trades." Soror Carolyn is a valuable resource to numerous committees and works untiringly to make all of the programs of Theta Theta Omega Chapter a success.
    Soror Janet Rhoden
    Whenever you hear the melodious voices of Theta Theta Omega, you can be sure Soror Janet Rhoden has had an integral part in the preparation. Soror Rhoden chairs the music committee and works closely with new candidates and veteran sorors to teach them the hymns and musical traditions of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
    Thanksgiving Baskets Soror Lisa Russell
    Theta Theta Omega's dedication to service to all mankind was most obvious this past November when 20 Thanksgiving baskets were distributed io needy baskets. Soror Lisa Russell made us dig deep in our pockets and our hearts to ensure that the identified families would have everything they needed to enjoy a festive Thanksgiving dinner. Soror Russell, her committee, and the AKA Teens can take pride in a job well done.
    Scholarship Committee
    Soror Edna States
    Soror Edna States is responsible for chairing the committee that awarded over $4000 in scholarships to thirteen young women entering college this past year. In collaboration with Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, a scholarship reception was held in May to honor the accomplishments of outstanding Clark County Students including the scholarship recipients. AKA Teens and Omega Gentz. Thank you Soror States for ca.rrvino the torch for this national target.
    March Gras Bail Co-Chair
    Soror Sandra Stewart-Bass
    Speaking of contacts with deep pockets, Soror Sandra Stewart-Bass has them. As a .'•'n-chajr of the Mardi Gras Bal! Committee. Soror Bass was able to get donations that ranged from a seven day cruise to the luggage needed to pack for the trip. Her efforts
    Sar.-soct fund raiccsr a eucraee ie annlaiidad .Qnrnr Qar-.Hra h:3S LJ ’ v xz* * C«|-z IVI O iCu y vx»». ■ Xz. i ■ I VUx/xzi x>vi Wvx>xz ■ xz K^*£Z|w't*z«V4'w«Xzv4> xz XZ i Xz I xz ■ ■ x^« ■ x^ I axzixz
    been an excellent resource to help foster the social welfare of the organization.
    AKA Connection and Chapter Retreat Facilitator Soror Willa White
    When vou need a strategic planning facilitator, Soror Willa White is the person to call, in August 1999, Soror Willa helped us chart our course for the next five years in a dynomir fashion Whan vnu naad tn hava vnnr nrnanization's nnlitica! Concerns heard, call on Soror Willa. She has kept the organization apprised of the political issues that impact our country. Her leadership in these areas are appreciated.
    Economics and Social Welfare
    Soror Billie Knight Rayford
    I am Billie Knight Rayford and I chair the Economics and Social Welfare Committees. In December 1999, an economics conference was held in collaboration with Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at the CCSN. We were most proud of the seminar efforts to target young people. We also believe that we accomplished our goal to provide the steps towards turning financial fantasies into achievable goals through this educational opportunity. Plans have been initiated for the 2nd annual economics seminar. We hope to see you
    Basiieus Jacqueiine R. Hail
    None of this could be done without the leadership of our president Soror Jacqueiine R. Hall. I believe the plaque says it all -- "AKA/TTO Founders Day Committee recognizes Soror Jacqueline R. Hall for her outstanding leadership, dedicated service, and commitment to excellence while promoting the ideals of Aloha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc."
    Q p ro n hnn k
    vAr-/r-/ '-* *'-/i x
    Black Family - African Shoebox Project -
    Arts and Humanities - Nevada Reading Week - Erma Brooks APIS Shu HumSnitieS - MuiuCuitUrSi U0iTirnitt66 - U6S8S6 KayTOfu National Quilt Project - Belisa and Ina Leadership Task Force - Pendieton, ingram, Rayford Omega Psi Phi Economics Seminar Presenters
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