Archival objects in this container: Baling hay at the Resting Spring Ranch near Tecopa, California, 1910 Dora Lee Brown, sister of Bob Lee and mother of Steve Brown, with Clara Lee and unidentified woman panning gold near the Resting Spring Ranch in Tecopa, California, 1915 Team and freight wagons, perhaps at the town of Johnnie, 1910 Resting Spring Ranch, undated Students at the Sherman Indian School at Riverside, California, 1910 Stacking hay, possibly at the Resting Spring Ranch, 1925 Irrigation at the Resting Spring Ranch near Tecopa, California, 1915 Unidentified photograph, possibly of Tecopa-Pahrump, undated Noonday Mill, located not far from Tecopa, California, undated John Yount's home on the Hidden Ranch, 1917 Model-A Ford belonging to Bob Lee, undated Philander Lee sitting in a buckboard with his daughter, Dora Lee Brown, 1915 Pahrump Store, 1920 Dick Lee, Bob Lee, Clara Lee, Dora Lee, all children of Philander and Sally "Mops" Lee, 1910 Men drinking, undated Steve Brown, Marcus Fizaldi, and Steve Brown's uncle, Bob Lee, in front of Bob Lee's home in the Pahrump Valley, 1938 Corral on the Pahrump Ranch, 1950 Maimie Steve and Bob Brown, 1940-1949 Bob Lee and his Model-A, undated Two men and dogs, undated Building on Ray Van Horn's place on the Dollar Ranch, 1947 Fall Festival Parade, 1980-1983 Aerial view of an unidentified ranch, perhaps the Pahrump Ranch, undated The Cotton Pickin' Saloon near Highway 372, 1970 Lois Kellogg at an unknown location with a Russian wolfhound dog, 1915 Load More