Archival objects in this container: Nevada Test Site. Nuclear Storage. Contains correspondence and papers, 1978 March Nevada Test Site. Utilization of NTS. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1979 May to 1979 June Nevada Test Site. Travel Allowance. Contain correspondence and memos, 1979 April to 1979 June Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co. (REECO). Contains correspondence and memos, 1979 April to 1979 December University of Nevada. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1979 January to 1979 December University of Nevada. Medical School. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1979 January to 1979 October University of Nevada. Wiehe Program. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1978 December to 1979 August Projects. Telleco Dam. Contains memos, 1979 July Projects. Humboldt River. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1978 February to 1978 June Projects. Colorado River Basin. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1979 January to 1979 November Projects. Southern Nevada Wash/Las Vegas. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1979 January to 1979 May Western Governors Conference. Contains correspondence and papers, 1979 June to 1979 July HWC. Senator Cannon. Contains papers and memos, 1979 March to 1979 October HWC. Honors and Awards. Contains letter and press clipping, 1979 October Christmas Messages. Contains correspondence and memos, 1978 December to 1979 December HWC. Floor Statements. Contains statements, 1979 July HWC. News Releases. Contains correspondence and news releases, 1979 January to 1979 November HWC. Press (TV Taping). Contains papers and memos, 1979 July HWC. Voting. Contains papers and memos, 1975 December to 1979 November Industry. Gaming. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1979 October to 1980 December Industry. Gaming. Clippings. Contains news clipping, 1980 July Industry. Gaming. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1979 October to 1980 February Industry. Gambling Winnings. Withholding. Contains correspondence and memos, 1980 January to 1980 February Industry. Nevada Test Site. Contains correspondence, papers and memos, 1980 February to 1980 November