Archival objects in this container: Health and Welfare. Pesticides. Contains memo, 1963 to 1964 Health and Welfare. D. Lorne Phillips. Contains correspondence and memos, 1963 November to 1964 June Health and Welfare - Reference. Contains reports and documentation, 1963 March to 1964 September Health and Welfare. Aged Correspondence. Contains correspondence, memos, news articles and statistics, 1963 January to 1964 December Health and Welfare. Blind. Contains correspondence, 1963 March to 1963 May Health and Welfare. Correspondence. Contains correspondence, minutes, news articles and reports, 1962 August to 1964 July Health and Welfare. Drugs. Contains correspondence, memos, reports and documents, 1961 March to 1964 June Health and Welfare. Hill-Burton Act. Contains correspondence and memos, 1963 December to 1964 July Health and Welfare. Hospitals - Nevada. Contains statements, correspondence and press releases, 1963 March to 1964 July Health and Welfare. Mental Health. Contains correspondence, memos, reports and press releases, 1963 February to 1964 June Health and Welfare. Narcotics. Contains correspondence, memos, reports and news articles, 1963 February to 1964 August Health and Welfare. Public Health Service.. Contains correspondence, memos, reports, brochures and documents, 1963 January to 1964 October Health and Welfare. War on Poverty. Contains correspondence, memos and reports, 1964 April to 1964 December Health and Welfare. War on Poverty. Mike O'Callaghan. Contains correspondence, memos, and reports, 1964 January to 1964 October Health and Welfare. South Tahoe Sewer District. Contains correspondence, memos, plans, reports and documents, 1963 December to 1964 December