Archival objects in this container: Natural Resources - Bureau of Reclamation. Glen Canyon Dam. Nevada Allocation. Contains correspondence, reports and brochures, 1948 November to 1962 May Natural Resources - Bureau of Reclamation. Contains correspondence, reports and brochures, 1959 February to 1962 November Natural Resources - Colorado River Commission. Contains correspondence, reports and booklets, 1959 January to 1962 July Natural Resources - Colorado River Commission. Allocation by Colorado River Commission. Contains correspondence, memos and releases, 1962 January to 1962 December Natural Resources - Colorado River Commission. Overton Power District. Contains correspondence, 1961 April to 1962 February Natural Resources - Bureau of Reclamation. Nevada Small Projects. Contains reports, memos, bills and correspondence, 1962 August Bureau of Reclamation. Newlands Project. Contains correspondence and report, 1959 Natural Resources - Bureau of Reclamation - Lake Tahoe. Contains correspondence and report, 1959 December Natural Resources - Bureau of Reclamation - Davis Dam. Contains memo and report, 1959 January Natural Resources - Bureau of Reclamation - Hoover Dam. Contains correspondence, memos and releases, 1959 March to 1962 May Natural Resources - National Rivers and Harbors Congress. Contains correspondence, reports and memos, 1959 January to 1962 March Natural Resources - Bureau of Reclamation - Walker River Project. Contains correspondence, memos and reports, 1959 September to 1962 February Natural Resources - Harney Electric Cooperative. Contains correspondence, maps and reports, 1959 January to 1960 December Natural Resources - Humboldt County - Water Power Matter. Contains correspondence, 1958 March to 1958 December Natural Resources - Bureau of Reclamation - Out of State Projects. Contains correspondence, maps, reports and bills, 1959 May to 1962 July