Archival objects in this container: Hauck, Michelle Marie, "Survey of injury rates in Nevada high school athletic programs", 1999 Fall Hauth, Deborah Lee, "Elder care: An evaluation of communication resources for lay caregivers in Southern Nevada", 1999 Fall Haynes, Richard S., "Massacre, memoir, and myth: The 1866 Fetterman Fight, a reconstruction", 1999 Fall He, Huawen, "On lossless image compression", 1999 Fall Hendricks, Bradley, "Genetic algorithms using galib", 1999 Fall Hicks, Terri Lynn, "Quality of life amidst the lights of Las Vegas", 1999 Fall Hoefer, Maryn Hoefer, "Socially desirable responding on the Machiavellianism scale: Response bias or construct?", 1999 Fall Hudak, Julianna, "Do RNA-dependent polymerases share common ancestry? A bionformatic approach", 1999 Fall Hugelshofer, Daniela S., "Descriptive experience sampling of individuals with symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder", 1999 Fall