Archival objects in this container: Barry, Daniel Patrick, "Handling Police Misconduct in an ethical way", 1999 Fall Bowman, Kay-Lynn, "Detection of GLIAL Interleukin-6 release: Development of a novel Interleukin-6 ELISA", 1999 Fall Brant, Gary Arthur, "A curriculum needs assessment: Graduate study for corporate and research chefs", 1999 Fall Cail, Tracy Lynn, "Aleration associated with gold deposition at the Getchell, Carlin-Type gold deposit, North-Central Nevada", 1999 Fall Capiral, Maria Camille Theresa Jose, "Modeling of short distance running", 1999 Fall Colayni, Golshan, "Theoretical study of MBE growth of InGaAs semiconductor compound on GaAs substrate", 1999 Fall Cotner, Gene, "Fluid flow and slope stability model", 1999 Fall