Archival objects in this container: Jeedigunta, Nataraj, "Voice interactive computer graphics and games", 1998 Spring Kalluri, Ravikiran, "Effects of discrete wavelet compression on automated mammographic recognition", 1998 Spring Kennedy, Eileen N., "An empirical analysis of the reasons why guests select and return to Las Vegas hotel/casino properties", 1998 Spring Krueger, Jeri Brastrup, "A comparative study of honey mesquite woodlands in Southern Nevada and their use by Phainopeplas and other avian species", 1998 Spring Liu, Yihong, "The Las Vegas Fremont Street Experience: A new tourist destination to revitalize a declining downtown", 1998 Spring Magee, Craig A., "Howells, Dickinson, Lewis: An exercise in reading the interracial canon", 1998 Spring Mathew, Santosh, "Recovery and regeneration of lithium manganese oxide from spent lithium-ion batteries", 1998 Spring