Archival objects in this container: Gardner, Brian M., "The Grid Sketcher - An AutoCAD Based Tool for Conceptual Design Processes", 1997 Fall Gorantla, Suresh, "Theoretical Study of Crystal-Amorphous Transition in (111) Silicon, and Oxidation of (100) Silicon", 1997 Fall Guzman, Cherie L., "Caesars Palace 1966-1996", 1997 Fall Holmberg, Marcia Lynne, "Public Participation Program Development: An Analysis of Public Participation in the Water Industry", 1997 Fall Kessinger, Sonya M., "Who is Most Likely to Remain on Welfare", 1997 Fall Lane, Craig, "The Degree of Relationship Between Tests of Cognitive Mechanisms", 1997 Fall Lawson, Stephen M., "Sublimation from Snow Packs in Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada and Dixie national Forest, Utah", 1997 Fall Lawton, Torrance M., "Two Optimization Techniques for Designing Multiplierless Fir Filters", 1997 Fall