Archival objects in this container: Gotfredson, David Joseph, "Effects of narration on recall of television news: Remembering the video photo essay", 1994 Fall Hudyma, Nicholas William, "Mechanical properties of tuffaceous rocks under triaxial conditions", 1994 Fall Ireland, Mark Bruce, "The relation of socioeconomic and cognitive variables to dropout from a Salvation Army Drug Rehabilitation program", 1994 Fall Jaeger, Jef Ronald, "Demography and movements of mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) in the Kingston and Clark Mountain ranges, California", 1994 Fall Jones, Carol, "The relationship between nurses' knowledge of HIV, fear of AIDS, and use of universal precautions", 1994 Fall Kaufman, Mark Edward, "Running to win: The utility of the ticket-splitter theory in presidential elections", 1994 Fall