Archival objects in this container: Tarrant, Theresa Scalzo, "Improving the frequency and proficiency of breast self examination", 1992 Fall Trabert, David William, "Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleotectonic setting of the Gazelle Formation, eastern Klamath Mountains, northern California", 1992 Fall Tracy, Stephen N., "Marital assessment from the clients' perspective using the Couple's Pre-Counseling Inventory: A comparison of Mormon couples with the normative sample", 1992 Fall Warden, Millie Fawcett, "American Indian mental health: values, and structural family therapy", 1992 Fall Wood, Cynthia Lynn, "The progression of photographic image manipulation in communication: An argument against the "revolution" of technological change", 1992 Fall Wu, Weibao, "Scattered surface data estimation and visualization", 1992 Fall