Archival objects in this container: Panorama, looking upstream toward Boulder Dam reservoir, from Observation Point: photographic print, 1935 July 25 President Roosevelt dedicating Boulder Dam: photographic print, 1935 September 30 Second millionth yard of concrete being placed in Boulder Dam: photographic print, 1934 June 24 Telephoto view looking downstream into the Arizona spillway, showing the bridge under construction: photographic print, 1935 January 28 Telephoto view of Boulder Dam, cooling tower and refrigeration plant, looking downstream: photographic print, 1933 September 14 Telephoto view of the Arizona valve house: photographic print, 1935 April 25 Telephoto view, looking downstream into the Arizona spillway. Note the bridge and control house: photographic print, 1935 March 26 The Arizona intake towers, from the Nevada side: photographic print, 1935 February 25 The Arizona valve house, from the Nevada side: photographic print, 1935 May 27 Union Pacific "Train of Tomorrow" on the Lomix trestle, at the upstream face of Boulder Dam, where the concrete is transferred from Lomix trains to the Dam: photographic print, 1934 March 09 Upper portal trash rack for diversion tunnel Number 1, on the Nevada side: photographic print, 1934 October 30 Upper portals of the diversion tunnels: photographic print, 1933 November 30 Upstream face of Boulder Dam, and the Arizona intake towers: photographic print, 1935 January 28 View from the crest of Boulder Dam, looking downstream toward the power house and lower portals of diversion tunnels: photographic print, 1935 November 26 View from the Nevada utility tower of Boulder Dam, showing the Memorial Day exercises in connection with the unveiling of the plaque commemorating the men who gave their lives in the construction of Boulder Dam: photographic print, 1935 May 30 View of Arizona side of lower portals clean-up: photographic print, 1935 August 26 View of Boulder Dam and the Nevada intake towers, taken from the Arizona side. "Monkey Slide" down Nevada abutment of Dam shown in center: photographic print, 1934 April 28 View of power house governor gallery, elevation 645, looking downstream on the Arizona side: photographic print, 1935 April 10 View of the Nevada intake towers, taken from the Arizona side: photographic print, 1934 April 28 View of two-hundred ton two-way trailer, with test load: photographic print, 1933 December 15 View showing river side of Arizona spillway, looking downstream: photographic print, 1934 July 24 View taken from the Nevada side, looking downstream on the lower cofferdam, showing excavation and dykes: photographic print, 1934 September 17 Arizona intake towers and spillway: photographic print, 1933 October 31 Arizona spillway, looking upstream: photographic print, 1933 October 07 Arizona valve house, from the government cableway: photographic print, 1935 January 16 Load More