Archival objects in this container: Dams and river resource reports of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1970-1976 Tentative outline of witnesses for the California rebuttal and surrebuttal, 1958-1959 U.S. October term 1956 pleadings, briefs, orders, motions, petitions, memorandums, and assorted legal documents, 1956-1957 Reports and proceedings of the Fact Finding Committee of the Upper Colorado River Basin States, 1938 Special master exhibit no. 9 regarding U.S. v. Gerlach Livestock Company U.S. October term 1957 pleadings, briefs, orders, motions, petitions, memorandums, and assorted legal documents, 1957-1958 Reports, and Memoranda of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States, and Mexico, 1962-1985 U.S. exhibits, 1958 U.S. October term 1958 pleadings, briefs, orders, motions, petitions, memorandums, and assorted legal documents, 1958-1959 Advance sheets of the Nevada State Legislature, volumes I-V, 1997 Colorado River Commission of Nevada report regarding AZ v. CA, no. 10, original, 1958 Reporters' transcripts: pre-trial volumes 1-4 and volumes 1-25 (volumes 1-79), conference, and opening statement by Mr. Warner, 1956-1957 Case files for California parts 1-2, Arizona, Metropolitan Water District, and the U.S., 1958 Environmental impact statements by the United States Department of Energy for Blue Diamond South project and Nevada test site, 1996 Tentative outline of witnesses for Arizona, California, and the United States, 1955-1957 Assorted documents pertaining to AZ v. CA including docket no._, original and docket no. 19, original, 1930-1990 Reports and studies of the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 1998 Reports and studies of the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1950-1999 Reports, and studies of the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, and Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1934-1998 Hearings before the Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation, United States Congress and House of Representatives, 1949-1968 Hearings before the Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources and Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development, United States Congress and House of Representatives, 1967-1979 Hearings before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Congress and House of Representatives, 1951-1965 Conference report, United States Congress and House of Representatives, 1956-1968 Upper Colorado Region State-Federal-Inter-Agency Group for the Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee studies, 1971 Assorted books, texts, federal and local government studies, reports, and documents pertaining to water usage and rights, 1926-1998