Archival objects in this container: Notes, press releases, and memoranda, undated Access charges and exemptions: correspondence, memoranda, and press releases, undated Bell Operating Company equipment and sales proposal: notes and correspondence, undated Cable rules and public television: "Must Carry" Rule notes, memoranda, correspondence, and press releases, undated Calvary Chapel Radio: notes, undated Cellular telephones: notes, correspondence, and press releases, undated FM Station Power Increase: notes and correspondence, undated FM Radio NLV application: notes, correspondence, and opinion for the Court, undated Fairness Doctrine: notes, memoranda, correspondence, and press releases, undated Flexible Spectrum Allocation: memoranda and correspondence, undated Frequency allotment and public service communications: memoranda, notes, correspondence, and press releases, undated Senator Gore's Telephone Bill: notes and letters, undated Library telephones: correspondence and memoranda, undated Las Vegas, Reno, and Tahoe Entertainment Network: letter, undated Lifeline Telephone Assistance: notes and press releases, undated Low Power Television Transmitters: letter and congressional record, undated Music labeling: notes, statements, articles, press releases, and memoranda, undated Nevada Bell: memoranda, statistics, correspondence, and notes, undated Line Changes for the FCC and OCC: notes and memoranda, undated Madalyn O'Hair Petition: letters and press releases, undated