Archival objects in this container: Action Vista: Senate Bill 1129, House Resolution 2655, notes, audit report, resolution, articles, and correspondence, 1981-1986 Action Children Cabinet Grant: work order and correspondence, undated Adoption: correspondence, 1986-1987 Baby Doe: notes, correspondence, House Resolution 808, and clippings, 1983-1986 Block grants: legislative summary, 1981 Child Development Associate Credentials: notes, articles, and correspondence, 1983-1986 Child Abuse Challenge grant eligibility: notes, correspondence, and articles, 1986 Child Passenger Safety Awareness Day: draft of Senate Joint resolution, 1984 Child nutrition: correspondence, notes, articles, memoranda, budget proposals, program history and status, briefing materials, draft of bill, congressional record, and Senate Bill 2646, 1983-1988 Community Runaway and Youth Services: Senate Bill 2014, notes, fact sheet, and brochure, 1983-1988 Child support: Senate Bill 1691, House Resolution 4325, notes, correspondence, summary, congressional record, articles, handbook, brochures, and amendments, 1983-1986 Commodities distribution administrative costs: House Resolution 2453, congressional record, and proposed reforms, 1985 Commodities and cash in lieu: report on "Meals for Older Americans," House Resolution 2807, notes, correspondence, and pilot studies for school districts, 1983-1987 Community services block grant: correspondence, notes, and quarterly report, 1986-1987 Day care: notes and correspondence, undated "Dear Colleague" letters: on legislation, 1987 Development Disability Amendments: notes, correspondence, Senate Bill 1417, report, recommendations by task force, 1987 Domestic Violence Act: Senate Bill 699, correspondence, notes, report, House Resolution 1904, House Resolution 1397, articles, and statistics, 1983-1987 Domestic Volunteer Services Act: articles and background information, 1986