Archival objects in this container: SWRL and Far West: summary, article, notes, correspondence, and brochure, 1982-1986 Scholarships: notes and correspondence, 1984-1985 Scholarships and Carl Perkins: notes, 1986 Small State Minimum Chapter 1: statement, correspondence, memoranda, and notes, 1987 Special Services Fund: notes, correspondence, background information, and statistics, 1983-1987 School Lunch Program: memoranda, interpretive notes, Senate Bill 2156 and House Resolution 4036, 1988 State of Nevada education concerns: brochures, correspondence, memoranda, and articles, 1985-1988 Statistics for Nevada and nationwide: statistics, articles, and notes, 1986 Student Aid Program: notes, correspondence, budget information, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and brochures, 1983-1987 Student Loan Program: data book, notes, statistics, articles, and correspondence, 1985-1987