Archival objects in this container: NNA policy manuals, 1971-1977 Special interest group, continuing education, 1970-1977 Summary of proposed bills, 1988-1990 Monthly lobbying report, 1989 April Senate bills, bylaws, and lobbyists, 1987-1989 Northern Nevada NNA Legislature Committee, 1988-1990 Southern Nevada NNA Legislature Committee, 1987-1989 State of Nevada Employees Association (SNEA) newsletters, 1980 SNEA newspapers, 1980-1990 incomplete Economic security, NNA local activity, 1974 RNteractions newsletter, 1987-1990 Lobbyist contracts, 1989 Nevada State Board of Nursing annual report, 1986-1988 Nevada RNformation newsletter, 1989-1992 SNEA newsletter and pamphlets, 1987-1991 Rural Nursing Program contract proposal, 1974 ANA Commission and Organizational Assessment and Renewal (COAR) report, 1989 Las Vegas Eye Clinic application for approval, 1984 Regulation for approval of health service facilities, 1984 Nursing on the Move conference, 1990