Archival objects in this container: 345 Wellington Garage: correspondence to Mr. Max Satin care of Fineberg and Satin Correspondence between Marshall Goldberg and Carolyn Corporation Contract and correspondence between D. L. Glickerman and Carolyn Corporation Correspondence between Louis K. Holzman and Carolyn Corporation Correspondence between Howard Watt and Carolyn Corporation Correspondence between Clare Udell and Carolyn Corporation Correspondence between Carl Zeigler and Carolyn Corporation Correspondence between Harry Ruderman and Carolyn Corporation Miscellaneous architectural drawings for various single-family and multi-family residences Financial documents and bank deposit receipts Financial documents for Barry Avenue Town House project Correspondence between Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Beerman and Carolyn Corporation Correspondence between LeRoy Kohn and Carolyn Corporation Correspondence between Jerry Mandel and Carolyn Corporation Correspondence between Sol Cogan and Carolyn Corporation Contracts, subcontracts, and correspondence for Carolyn Corporation Corporate documents for Carolyn-Surf Corporation Contracts, financial statements, and correspondence for Sheridan-Wellington town home trust Financial statements and correspondence for Carolyn-Surf corporation Contracts, financial statements, and correspondence for Carolyn-Surf Corporation Financial documents, contracts, and correspondence for Barry Avenue Town House project Correspondence for 347 West Barry Avenue Correspondence and financial statements for 330 West Oakdale Avenue Specifications and contracts for miscellaneous projects including 330 West Oakdale Avenue Financial statements and correspondence for 400 Surf and Carolyn-Surf Corporation Load More