Archival objects in this container: ADW V: Barry Stegner, 1989 LDE IX: Episcopal Gathering, panel discussion, 1990 February 03 Nuclear NET TV House, undated ADW V: Richard Barnet, Tyranny of the Bomb I, 1989 LDE IX: Louie Vitale, Ordo Fratrum Minorum, keynote: Episcopal Weekend, 1990 February 03 NDE Event, 1993 A Fertile Desert, undated ADW V: Richard Barnet, Tyranny of the Bomb II, 1989 LDE IX: Mary Luke Tobin, Sisters of Loretto, 1990 February 27 50th Anniversary of the Nevada Test Site at the Universalist Unitarian Congregation of Las Vegas, 2001 ADW VI: Genie Durland, 1990 August 04 LDE IX: Mary Luke Tobin, Sisters of Loretto: original, 1990 February 27 ADW XI, undated LDE VIII: panel discussion, Liz McAllister, Jim Wallis, Joyce Hollyday, Shelley Douglass, Nonviolent Life and Action for the 90s, 1989 Interfaith Service, Shabbat Service, 1995 LDE VIII: Daniel Berrigan, Shrove Tuesday, 1989 LDE VIII: Richard Rohr, Franciscan Weekend, 1989 Richard Rohr, Miguel DeSoto, 1995 LDE VIII: Joyce Hollyday and Jim Wallis, Sharing a Nonviolent Journey, Holy Week, 1989 Terry Tempest Williams, Jack Dairiki, Hibakusha, 1995 LDE X: Ched Meyers Bible Study, Louie Vitale, Why Are We Here, I Remember, stories from LDE I-IX, 1991 Thinking Globally: morning panel, Acting Locally: morning panel, 1995 LDE X: workshop, Mary Luke Tobin, Where Are We Going, 1991 Thinking Globally: afternoon panel, Acting Locally: afternoon panel, 1995 Acting Locally: panel, 1995 Load More