Archival objects in this container: Recruiting efforts, 1999-2000 Reflections, 2000 Speakers and performers, 2000 Franciscan Peacemakers, 1984 October Many Stories, One Vision for a Nuclear Free World, 2005 August The Non-Violence Strategist, Los Angeles, California, 1986-1987 Sharing Strength for the Journey in commemoration of Gandhi's birthday, 1988 September-October Sharing Strength for the Journey: correspondence, 1988 Baez, Joan, 1988 Camara, Dom Helder: "The Desert is Fertile", 1987 November 09 Camara, Dom Helder: "Voices from the Desert", 1991 March 12 Hollyday, Joyce: "From the Heart", 2001 May 17 Manibusan, Jesse: "Come to the Desert" concert in Oakland, California, 1994 January 28 Miller, Fulmer, Manibusan, and Reynes, 1992 May 30 Palmer, Helen: Enneagram Retreat in Independence, Missouri, 1992 May Palmer, Helen: "Enneagram of the Passions" in Sante Fe, New Mexico, 1994 April-May Palmer, Helen and Richard Rohr: "Enneagram Personality Types: Compassion for Oneself and Others" in Los Angeles, California, 1993 February Rohr, Richard: "Mary's Song: Toward a Spirituality of Peace" in Scottsdale, Arizona, 1988 February 07 Rohr, Richard: "A Hero's Journey" in Danville, 1992 September Rohr, Richard and Gil Bailie: "Violence Unveiled: The Gospel at Work in Our World" in Oakland, California, 1996 June Rohr, Richard: various, 1986-2004 Talbot, John Michael: concert in San Francisco, California, 1992 February 22 A Desert Place, 1985-1986 Advent Actions, 1978 Reclaim the Test Site, 1988 March Load More