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    g2-^-L aa \egas Ee vie w-J ourniM^^?? Iridaymt BiS^adr HALLELUJAH! ... HOLLYWOOD COMES TO VEGAS ?╟÷ Dotin A#ettfs Hallelujah Hollywood opens Friday at the MGM Grand Hotel*! The sparkling production is a crackling stage version of just about everything musical MGM turned out on the screen ?╟÷ a combination of sight and sound that bursts into an entertainment spectacle on the Ziegfeld Room stage of the Grand. W Hallelujah. . . Hollywood has come to Las Vegas. Donn Arden?╟╓s spectacular salute to MGM musicals opens Friday in the Ziegfeld Hoorn of the# MGM Grand Hotel. ?╟úHallelujah Hollywood?╟Ñ is a permanent, floating, revolving, flaming, prancing, disappearing, high-kicking, exploding, glittering, reappearing, flying, built-in resident musical of die Grand. The Donn Arden production is a stage version of just about everything musical MGM . turned out on the screen ?╟÷ a combination of sight and sound that bursts into an entertainment spectacle on stage. From the rousing curtain-raiser to what old-timers used to Call a sock-finale, ?╟úHallelujah Hollywood?╟Ñ is Astaire, Garland, Garbo, Gable, Cantor, Durante, Etting; it?╟╓s Hew York, Hollywood, St Louis; it?╟╓s Broadway Rhythm, Kismet, Ziegfeld Follies; it?╟╓s Les Girls, Girl Crazy, Ziegfeld Girls, MGM Girls, and Las Vegas showgirls. With the 25 musicians of the Tony Costa orchestra playing over 70 selections, which, fra* the most part, found their gj;iginr in j$GM pascals, . ?╟ ^HaUddjah IJollywood?╟╓Vtakes ^diences on nostalgic vo-^yages ' fhr^u^i sprat Mighty familiar teitaim^&timony tnatffie pteasu^em In tinsel-town products is far from exhausted. The opening number makes secret that ?╟úHallelujah Hollywood?╟Ñ is going to be a spectacular salute to Hollywood musicals, plucking some of the plums of George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Richard Rodgers, Irving Berlin; of Girl Cfazy, On the Town, Bells Are Ringing, Kiss Me Kate. Following, there is a musical# magical carpet-ride through the streets of Bagdad, with oriental palaces, costumes, swarming bazaars, tall minarets, camels, llamas and harem houris when Hallelujah Hollywood brings back Kismet. The ?╟úMeet Me In St Louis?╟Ñ number is a touch of pure Americana served up with tender, loving care. The period setting is early turn of the century ?╟÷ when somehow the1 days were longer and sunnier ?╟≤fi and evening sing-ins around the piano were ?╟úmore fun than a barrel of monkeys.?╟Ñ The St. Louis Exposition is the background as ?╟ ?╟ Hallelujah Hollywood?╟╓s?╟Ñ beautiful people, in fabulous finery, take their talents into territories where the natives are always friendly: OH, YOU BEAUTIFUL DOLL, HOW?╟╓D YOU LIKE TO SPOON WITH ME, SING A LONG, IT?╟╓S A GRAND NIGHT FOR SINGING AND MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS. ?╟úHallelujah Hollywood?╟Ñ is a full grown pirate ship, complete with full-grown pirates ?╟÷ who pillage the village ?╟÷ capture arid rape the native girls?╟÷only to have their ship burn, explode and sink. While the sea on which the pirate ship cavorts is reel ?╟÷ the under-the-sea scene to which the vessel sinks is real ?╟÷ 20 foot wide watertank.'-f complete with dolphin and scantily-clad girl engaging in an under-water ballet climaxes with the dolphin disrobing the girl. ?╟úHallelujah Hollywood?╟Ñ literally roars with the sweet smell of success, with lions and a couple of 500-poundSibe-rian tigers. These animals are a part of show business?╟╓ most dangerous animal act, Siegfried and Roy, the artful illusionists, Who not only make the animals appear, they make them disappear. There are other animals ^ led by the 1,500 pound elephant Tanya, who displays amazing agility in the performance of her tricks. Hallelujah Hollywood also has a camel, a couple of llamas and a baboon. The show goes entertainingly to the dogs when a wayward mutt up-stages David Ro-saire?╟╓s talented troup of 10 Pekes. Animals aside, die show is an explosion of breath-taking beauty ?╟÷ beautiful girls, beautiful lights, beautiful costumes. Hallelujah Hollywood is all the spectacular things pn extravaganza has ever been and will ever be wrapp^% in, one fantastic, eye-popping presentation. Ultimate Vegas ?√ß?√ß Judy Garland5 anza LAS VEGAS: The" Ziegfeld Room at the MGM Grand Hotel opened last week with an incredibly e x;c i tfi rig extravaganza. It?╟╓s' c a 11 e d: ?╟úHalleluja Hollywood.?╟Ñ Florenz Ziegfeld in Ms wildest dreams could not have conceived anything as grand and glorious*- ?╟≤ 1 I III r* ' ?√ß Don Arden?╟╓s monumental salute' to Florenz Ziegfeld is comprised of more than 1,000 costumes designed by Bob Mackie and Ray Aghayan. Each member of the cast (all 200 of them) has, at least three costumeV .changes in EVERY npmber. Originally the costumes were to cost $750,000; By the time the show was , ready,' the costume cost , ; ; soared to more than a million?╟╓dollars. Costume designers Mackie pnd Aghayan bought: all the shoes, feathers, beads arid jewels in \ Paris, ' | ,, ' ' Ray Aghayan said that he and his partner . did not make, the million themselves. TheUVI ' money went to sewers, headers, fitters,: cut-j?╟╓ l . tbrs,\5etc/ ' ?╟úWe aren?╟╓t! complaining', about- ?╟╓P what we got,?╟Ñ spid Bob, ?╟úbut if you consider?^ I the time it took to do.tall this (one VqaRandLfe; one .month).?╟╓ what we did 'get was ,i??t top/3-V 1 f. ?╟╓A' ,7! ?╟≤ .. { ?╟úMost shows Of this type are done^byEu^Cq ropeansi?╟Ñ, said Mackie. ?╟úWe tried ap-'^. | ^proach it with the spirit of'MGM and' not I Hhei spirit erf-a French girlie .show*?╟╓?.! ^ ?╟≤ 1 - ?╟╓A;* .- '?╟ tj;, * ttaMl : Not one MGM musical movie could have.^q been this exciting; One scene from the Judy Garland-Gene Kelly movie, **Tfte1?ir*q$?╟╓i ate?╟Ñ shows a. pirate ship actually sinking be-p, ?╟╓ fore your eyes. The finalO.even goes under - ?╟  water with a ballet starring a girl and alive v 1 dolphin* :. ?√ß '; ?√ß?√ß?√ß' I | i j , | \ | & :t ?√ß?√ß " ?√ß' ?╟╓ The stage -hr this 950-seat room is made up s Of nine stories with dozens of levels. ?╟≤ In the show are live tigers and lions and camels arid an elephant* The entire produc- >t,| I'-tibn^furiS', with pr?╟╓efcisidn via a computer! manned by tfoo men. I kept thinking that if f the computer broke* down, 200 performers 1 M could disappear fOiever. The Pirate ship I'm 1 |told didn?╟╓t sink diifing the second show on[ ^opening night Brit it..Was the computers Which saved thoSd working In. the scene* ?√ß /; There, is so| much for your eyes to feast on 1 ?╟ ?╟ HallelujdMywood.?╟ÑThe ?╟ ?╟ Meet Me in *St. Lduis?╟Ñ number has six scenes among vthopu **A Valentine to Judy Garland?╟Ñ; ?╟úThef Trolley Song.?╟Ñ The finale is called *fhe Theatre of Zieg-| feld?╟Ñ in which such Ziegfeld Greats as Ruth [/ Etting, Helen Morgan^ Fanny Brice, and Marilyn Miljfer are portrayed. Some of the shows within the firihle are ?╟újSunhy?╟Ñ ?╟úSally*?╟╓ ' Showboat?╟Ñ ?╟úRosalie?╟Ñ etc. Incorporated into /the finale is a tribute*to Fred and Ginger rind Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. f If you see Only one Mow ih your lifetime, I suggest it be ?╟úHalleluja Hollywood.?╟Ñ It will be at.the MGM Grand at least two years. f