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Las Vegas, Qot. 25, 19X9 A irthur Maguire, 36. M. of W. , L, A. & S. L. R. R., Los Angelei, Gal. Dear 8irr- Acknowledging receipt of your letter under date of October 22, file 303, in reference to estimate for carrying steam to the Company Rooming House: I have talked this matter over with Mr. Coffey and I really believe that your estimate is rather high inasmuch as it would cost us #4.00 per foot for laying of this steam line as per your estimate, and taking into consideration the prioe of pipe, the lagging, digging and the labor, I believe this line could be construct ed for something under $3©00 a fobt. Will you kindly look into the matter again and see if you cannot lower this esti- mate in some way. 1 have $ust gathered* together the entire coet of heating the rooming house last year considering labor, oil, repairs, etc. and the total amounts to $2120.52, and I would like very much if it were possible to do so, to have a steam line laid so that we could reduce this cost of heating the rooming house. Please look into the matter and let me hear from you again.