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Letter from E. E. Bennett to F. H. Knickerbocker, June 27, 1936


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Discussion of another attempt to get the water metering prohibition repealed in the Nevada state legislature. Bennett recognizes that the law was enacted due to abuses by the Reno Power, Light & Water Company.

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Box 13 W23-1-C


    hln001317. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Los Angeles, June 27, 1936. Mr. F. H. Knickerbocker: I return herewith Mr. Bracken's letter to you of June 24th in connection with the water situation at Vegas. There is no doubt that we should secure remedial legislation at the next session of the legislature. As a matter of fact we endeavored to do that at the last session and you will recall that the attempt died on the vine due to certain representations of the Las Vegas people which I under-stand they have not kept. I believe the present law could be repealed, but if not I see no reason why it could not be amended so as to permit meters on commercial and industrial properties. However, I do feel that the City of Las Vegas could pass an emergency ordinance prohibiting sprinkling except during certain hours of the day. That has frequently been done in Los Angeles City, and if such an ordinance were passed restricting sprink-ling make-shift measure which would help until the state law was amended. The unfortunate part of tying in with the Reno Light, Water & Power Company in this situation is that I understand the present law was put in to prohibit certain alleged abuses by the Reno Water Company years ago, and it might be better if we were on our own on this deal and it did not become pub-licly known we were associated with that company. E. E. Bennett. Enc. cc - Mr. Walter R. Bracken, Las Vegas. EEB:s