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Schedule of rates, rules and regulations of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, December 24, 1946






Detailed list of water rates and rules for water usage in Las Vegas.

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Box 13 Folder W23-1-C Water Conservation - Supply from Lake Mead


    hln000932. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Schedule of Rates and Rules and Regulations of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company Class of services .Commission's Rate Apartment Houses - each apart-ment without toilet or bath Each apartment, bath and toilet included (this rate &p Ilea only where all apartments are served from one service line and apart-ment house owner assume* payment for all service*) $1.50 2.00 BAKERY Bakery and Confectionery combined 2.00 2.30 SHOP Two chair* or less Each additional chair 2.50 .50 BATH TUBS & SHOWER BATHS - PUBLIC In hotels, lodging or rooming houses; public buildings or blocks, barber shops, hospitals, apartment houses, bungalow or cabin courts, gymnasiums, club*, service stations, etc. For the first tub or shower For each additional tub or shower 1.00 .73 BUNGALOW COURTS Each single house or cabin without bath or toilet 1.00 f - 2 Class of Services Commission's Rate Each single house ay cabin with bath or toilet $1.50 Each additional forge 1.00 .30 BRICK MANUFACTURERS & YARDS Whether manufactured from clay cement, gypsum, adobe or other material - per 1000 bricks per month .10 BUTCHER 2.00 CANBY MANUFACTURER 2.00 CABINS OR TENT HOUSE (See Bungalow Courts) CHURCHES FREE CIGAR MANUFACTURERS 2.00 COOLING WATER FOR REFRIGERATING MACHINE 1/2 ton machine or less Between 1/2 and 1 ton machine For each ton over 1 ton 2.00 2.30 1.00 COUNTY COURTHOUSE & GROUNDS 8.33 With bar, but no sleeping quarters or dining roam 3.oo CONCRETE OR CEMENT WORK per Cubic yard .04 CONFECTIONERY STORE 1.30 3.oo CLASS of ServiCE <&mmiesipR,'*,B6lB, CREAMERY $2.00 BRU9 STORE 1.30 9X41*3 * CLR4PIN6 ESTABLISHMENT? 2.00 FOUNTAINS WITH JE? 3*30 EMWiPNK 12.30 - Public With wash rack 2.00 4.oo HALLS - Public. Social * DanoiBK 1.00 H 0 S ? WM 10 room* or lea* Each additional room 2.30 .13 HPTgLS, MNRXpa OR ROOPtRG H0BS# 10 rooms or leas Each additional room 2.30 .13 Toilet - Private for 1 room each w <t w g M a Bath ' " 1 * ' " - ^ * 2 " * .13 .23 .13 .23 HOUSES Private residence or dwelling occupied by one family - 3 rooms or lea* Each additional room Bath tub or shower in dwelling, each Toilet Each extra family (Water for watering lawns, trees, flowers, garden and shrubbery* ex-clusive of truck gardens, upon same lot which private dwelling is located, included in foregoing, provided area of such lot doe* not exceed 7,000 sq. feet. For each additional 190 sq. ft. or fraction thereof over 7,000 sq. ft. 1.30 .13 .23 .23 .30 .02 - 3 - - 4 - of Sarvlop Commission'* R^te c w f^STOBX $2.00 LAUNMOT - Steam 30.00 puHic??^ Belonging to the OiHy of La* Vegas, and grounds, exclusive of Public park* FREE OFFICES - BANK. EXPRESS. PROFESSIONAL. REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE^ pRll TIH&I SB. Each .73 10 rooms or le*s Each additional room 2.00 .13 EHOTqQRAPH W M 1.30 i&^&T^HRNg - per square yard .01 P3BLIC PARKS SPECIAL CONTRACT ^ S T ^ T , BATIN3 HOUSg OR CAFg 2.30 SCHOOLS - Public, and ground occupy-ing one city block Public, and grounds occupying leas than one city block 10.00 3.30 SHOWER BATHS - (See Bath Tub - Public) - SERV?Cg STATION Hot including bath and toilet 1.30 SODA POUPTAH In connection with *tore 1.00 SODA MANUFACTURER, BOTTLING WoRpS 2.30 STEAM BOILER For heating building, office For power not over 50 H.P. 1.00 3.oo ? ^ \ - 3 - Ciaa* of Service ComnAsaion's H^tg STORK OR SHOP - EXaeot as herein specifically classified $1.30 ^O^a OR T43PS Constant flow SPECIAL CONTRACT 9,000 cubic feet capacity or less filled three times per week or less and then only between hours of 8 PH to 6 AM 30.00 Water to be turned off immediately in caae of fire alarm. All water from swimming pool or tank to be drained into aewer and not otherwise. TRUCK GARDEN - Der aouare foot .001 WASH BACK FOR AUTOMOBILES IN COMMERCIAL 3ARAGES %$RVldg ST.TIORg 2.00 WATER CLOSET. TOILET OR URINAL Public, in hotel, lodging or rooming house, public building rtr block, barber shop, hoepital, apartment house, bungalow court or cabin court, gymnasium, club, service atation, etc. .30 W^TER FPC9 FIRE fLpop For extinguishing fire, fire practice and teating fire plugs, for street sprinkling and for flushing streets and sewers FREE WAT.ER FOR ONg PUBLIC DRINKING FOUNTAJg FREE 1. Water rates shall be due and payable on the first day of each month for water furnished during the previous month. 2. If ssaid water rates are not paid by the 13th day of the month in which they become due, they shall become delinquent and * charge of twenty-five cents ($.23) shall thereupon be added to such bill. Notice of such delinquency will be given to the consumer personally or by mall, and if the amount of such of the water rates together with the delinquent charge la not paid within five days - from the date of such personal notice, or within five days from the late of mailing such notice, the Company will discontinue the ervlce to such delinquent consumer until said amount 1s paid, together with the sum of $1.00 for reconnecting its service, jj 3. Where two or mora services supply the same premises or con-sumer, each will be rated aa separate service. 4. Where two or more classes of consumers are served by on* service, each class will be separately rated. 3. Water rutes or charges will be charged for all service*, except apartments, bungalow courts, and auto cabins, whether the premises are occupied or not, until service shall be, in writing, ordered discontinued* 6. Water rates and charges shall be charged against the owner of the premises served* ? 6 ? 7. When service is discontinued pursuant to Bales 2 and 3* It will not be re-established until a written order from the owner 1* received by the Company and all delinquent charges paid, or unless the occupant will deposit with the Company the minimum monthly water rata or charge for such service, as security for the payment of all water charge* that may become due. 8. The Mater Company may shut-off water, without notice, for the purpo** of making repairs or extension*. 9* All service pipes extending from mains to inside of prop-erty line, with proper cut-off, shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the Water Company. 9-A. Whenever an application for water service is received t&ich will require the Company to extend its water mains or scFvloe plpa* more than fifty feet, exclusive of the service g^jpe of each customer to be served (as shown in Rale 9 of this Company** rules and regulations) the customer or customers shall enter into a contract to advance sufficient money to cover cost of making such extension. The amount advanced shall be refunded, te the applicant* advancing same at the rate of 50% of the customer*' monthly bill* for water for a period of ten year*, or until the full amount advanced has been refunded, whichever occurs first. All such refund* *hall be made by deducting the amount thereof from the customer'* monthly water bill*. 7 - 10. The Company may charge Five and no/lOOths Dollar* ($3.00) for each tapping of water mains, to be paid by the owner or consumer ordering the same. 11. Flat monthly rate* for any service not herein specifically rated shall b* fixed by special contract, subject to the approval of the Public Service Commission. 12. The Company may make any further rules ana regulations it may deem necessary or advisable, subject to the approval of th* public Service Commission. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Las Vegas Land and Hater Company make such appropriate Vacancy allowance in monthly *p?rt-ment houses, bungalow court* and auto camp services a* shall be ^Tound to b* unoccupied and that th* nonthly charge shall be -modified accordingly, PROVIDED, however, th^t the minimum monthly rgkarge shall not be laaa than Six Dollars ($6.00) per month for apartment houaea, Four and 30/l00ths Dollars ($4.50) per montn far bungalow courts or auto cabins where three (3) or sore of these amasses of eervice are maintained. - - 0 - - - 8 - Effective June 11, 1942 BBS DEPOT #i.3o BOWLING ALLEX 1.50 JAIL ( COUNTY ) 1.00 1.00 MORTUARY 1.50 USED CAR DEALER 1.30 HOT DOG STAND 1.50 HAND LAUNBRY 3.30 HOURS CONST'N 2.00 "COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONST'N 3.oo *LABN3KESTTES: 1st 3 Machines All over 3 1.00 Ea .73 Ea LAUNDRIES - OPERATED IK CON-JUNCTION WITS HOSPITAL 13.00 * Approved by P.S.C. in their letter 12/24/46 Pile tf 25