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Newspaper clipping, Water level decline shown, Las Vegas Review-Journal, March 15, 1945


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Newspaper article summarizing a 1945 U.S. Geological Survey report of a sharp water level decline in the Las Vegas artesian basin.

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Box 12 Folder W23-1-B Water Conservation Campaign 1942-1944


    hln000754. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    LAS VEGAS EVENING REVIEW JOURNAL Las Vegas, Nevada March 15, 1945 WATER LEVEL DECLINE SHOWN A sharp decline in the water level of the Las Vegas valley is reported in survey of G. B. Maxey, resident engineer with the United States geological sur-vey, and Harry Jameson, artesian well supervisor of the state en-gineer's office, who is collabor-ating in the survey. Specifically, the survey shows on hydrographs a flow of 25,000,- 000 gallons daily, during 1944, for population of 18,000 as com-pared to 20,000 in 1942, and the average flow, indicating a tre-mendous waste, according to the authorities. I t also shows 450 wells operat-ing in the valley, compared to 125 wells, 21 years ago. The hydrograph shows the sharpest decline in 1944. The survey finished over an area of 3,600 miles with assist-ance of aerial maps and all facilities of the government and state offices interested, is made to ascertain discharge and amount of recharge from aqui-ers, or water bearing beds to balancing the discharge for prop-er usage in domestic, irrigation and industrial purposes, also to ascertain the reserve. I t includes observation of the watersheds in the Charleston range from the north side of Lee's canyon to Potosi moun-tain, also that of precipitation. In the latter the mean since 1937 has been 4.62 inches annually, with a maximum of 8 inches in 1941. Although the graph on precipitation may lag behind that of water levels, it corresponds, on rise and fall and shows defin-ite relationship to the water supply from artesian sources. Maxey and Jameson have been working under usual manpower shortage disadvantages. With completion of the survey pic-tured on graphs, they are work-ing to complete the narrative re-port. With seasonal increase in water usages, particularly for irrigation, cooling systems and gardening, both advise conserva-tion with least possible waste as best method to assist in solution of the Las Vegas valley water problem. UNSPIOEWLNCAAI PSALA LVTC ERIRGFE IAPRCRS. RE,B NASREIALNVCRTAKOADEATANDI V CEO .