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Outline of work projects of the Moapa Valley area in conjunction with the proposed Meadow Valley Wash erosion-flood control program, circa 1935




1935 (year approximate)


Summary of projects and their respective projected costs for erosion-flood control projects in the Moapa Valley

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Box 4 Folder 47 Flood Control Reports and Maps for Southern Nevada 1934-1950


    hln000592. John Wittwer Collection on Agriculture in Nevada, 1898-1972. MS-00181. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    OUTLINE OF WORK PROJECTS OF THE MOAPA VALLEY AREA WASH EROSION - FLOOD CONTROL PROGRAM 1. Sells Siding Flood Control Project (1) Completion of units as now planned by the U. S. Forest Service. (2) Construction of spillway on east side of Bowman Reservoir. (3) Construction of series of fills in Sand Hollow to form absorption basins for overflows from Bowman Reservoir and accumulations from storm floods within drainage area of said sand Hollow. (4)Side hill flood control above all structures pertaining to Wells Siding Flood Control Project to prevent excessive silting of temporary storage flood basins and channel. (5) Vegetative planting program where adaptable to further avoid project structures becoming ineffective. (6) Conduct reconnaissance of drainage area involved in foregoing to determine feasibility of improving grazing facilities of area concerned herewith thru water-spreading and re-vegetation. J2. Meadow Valley Wash Project Ho. 1. (1) Reinforce by widening and ballasting with heavy material present levee structures thru out the project &s needed. (2) Construct cross levees with adequate spillways at each of eight locations over the project area to more safely facilitate operation Of temporary storage basins and avoid gullying over the flood control area. (3) Provide adequate spillway and low level outlet structures in main diversion Dam of the Project. (4) Institute such tree and vegetative planting program will be conducive to strengthening the Flood Control structures of the Project, and which might also serve as improved facilities under restricted gracing. . ' 3. Muddy River and Flood Control Channel. Survey the channel at points indicated in nap to determine needs and construction accordingly to provide for: (1) Adequate capacity for prospective floods of arena concerned. (2) Provide such aide-bank and profile drop construction which will reduce to minimum further erosion. (3) Reinforce all structures with such planting program that will be most conducive to effective permanent operation of channel in flood season. (4) Institute organized cooperative action among adjacent land owners in preventing damage to structural and side banks facilities by rodents. Arrowhead Canyon Project No. 1. (1) deduce siM of present outlet flood control pipe to 12* / size outlet or install valve control lock gate. (^xiemm flows] thru present outlet flood adjacent f^rm lands an the *-ospa Indite Reservation. Reduce outlet pipe or control look gate would over-come this atiaace). (2) Ra (2) Raise dam to K^xisam height ( 5 - 1 0 feat) within safety factors of present constructed base and foundation structure, or provide base structure upon which to wise dam structure to total height of 30 fa t from the Base. (3) Owing to excellent facility for stock watering provided this sraa thru water holding capacity of this dam, (winter range for 200 - 300 h^ad cattle from September 13th to April 1st of each year,) it is au^gest*d that a reoonnalasance might be desirable for the purpose of conducting experimental daoonstreti mal work toward and of improving grazing facilities of area concerned. &hite Narrows Project No. 1. - lAia consideration to conatruction of same for both Flood Control and W-ter Storage. 6. Hogan Wash No. 2. (1) Complete in accordance with plena as apecified by the S. Forest Service. (2) Conduct a reconnaissance to determine feasibility of improving _ gracing facilities of area concerned thru a water spreading and re-vegetating program. 7. Overton Wash (1) inadequacy of present constructed channel diverting flood waters from the town of Overton, taakee reinforcement of present flood structures very desirable. _ Tokyo Wash. - Determine best m ans of controlling flood waters of this watershed area in conjunction *ith drainage of lands adjaoent to outlet of flood waters concerned. 9. Miscellaneous cashes, studies of whiah t.ouid detertnine relative i^.-portacce are: (1) Benaon v^ash at Logandale ^ostoffice ^nd Station. (2) Mills Wash (Lo^andale) in p??th of which are three family hoses, (3) Lewis TEash ( t Ovorton). (A) Weiser i^anch Wash (Now op rated by R. A. West) (5) Doty iianch ^ sh (Upper Hospa Valley) (6) Alamo Highway Crossing Wash near head of Upper Moapa Valley. (7) Arrowhead Canyon No. 2. (8) California Wash 10. Conducting a reconnaissance of areas involved with water sheds con-cerned, in items (1) to (3) specified in foregoing Paragraph 8, for purpose of determining feasibility of improving grazing facilities thru water spreading devices, development of stock storing holes and re-vegetation, may be en open question. this phase of prospective varying members of livestock would, it appears, make consideration of study of same quite desirable, -such study to determine extent to which improvements should be developed. 11. Drainage - Determine course to be ta.:sn in matters wherein flood waters effect adjacent lands thru water logging. The Committee herewith fully realizes that work that might become involved in the solution of some of problems indicated, r^i^bt not be within the province of the Soil Conservation Service as now constituted. It should, therefore, be understood that wherein controversial mutters night arise, the committee feels that a frank open presentati^ of probl^a and their solution concerned before actual work begins, will do much toward maintaining confidence and encouraging orderly progress of program concerned. Again, assuring you of our heartiest cooperation this one of our most basic programs f o r permanent home, community, national security, we are,