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    3 1-1055 y Joseph S. Mankiewioz, Mary M Mankiewicz and Susanna J. Man-, AKA Susanna J. Richardson JLliff HO., GRANTORS DATE OP document RECORDING papa AUNDOI.T 10-10-1953 O ct.15,1953, i n Bk.7 2 , DA#5297 CPogu 3n4t0y , DeNeedvsa,d aClark Doc. No. 416128 1-1056 / « . £ £ « . Milton Crnne and « U „ lO.lo.l953 Oct. 15.1,53. in a 1-1051 Murray Wollroan and Agnes Wollman, 7-28—19*5^ MMasr iawinf eW,ol larnada n,A lhbiesr t witfoellman and J 72, Pg 340 Deeds, NCelvaardka County Records, Doc. #416129 DA#5298 1 1-1036^/ Federal Homes, Inc. 1-1050 / L-1052 y 1-1049 / Ifedsen Construction Corporation, 1 1 -4-1953 Jack B. Bassett ?1049 Norman J. Helgeson 1-1045 / 2» J. Kaltenborn —1047J John Replogle P|ge p2J3:3? 8D,el9e5d^s», Rienc oBrkd s7 2, DA#5291 DColca.r kN oC.o un4t1y4,9 23Nevada 11-27-1953 Dec,23,1953» inBk 73, DA#5307 Pg 321 Deeds, Clark County Nevada Records Doc, #420837 *ov6l,53,,*. 7Z> m#5309 Pg 516, Clark County, Nevada Records Doc. No. 417683 11-^.1953 »ov lO,1953,inBk 72 , DA#5302 Pg 548, Deeds, Clark County Records, Nevada Doc. #417889 11-3-1953 Nov.6 ,1953, in Bk 72 , DA#5305 Pg 516, Deeds Clark County Records, Nevada Doc, #417682 Aug.12,1953, inBk 71, DA#5273 CPogu n3t5y8 RDeeceodrsd,s ,Clark Nevada Doc. #411356 6-18-1953 June 18,1953. in Bk 70, DA#5308 Pg 523, Deeds, Clark County, Nevada Records Doc. #407168 8-7-1953