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«n« Water Company m U U w ith the h ib U e S erv ice Cow tis- •to* of tlm Stmt* o f Weveda, The amount o f such donation which m i l fee charged to the in v « t iiin t account of the Leo yogas Land and Matos* coqpasty during the p o rt* od, September X# 1958, to dlOy l , IS® *, la 183,233.79. | W Vtm amendments to the O rig in a l Escrow in e tru e - tlo n a heroin made are node upon the co nd ition th at on duly 1 , 195*, you have completed the tra n sfe r o f the late to gas w ater system to tho Lee Togas V a lle y w ater D is t r ic t and have p aid the P relim in ary Purchase F rie e o f *2 ,8 9 9 ,0 2 9 .6 * to tho Las Vegas Land and Water Company fey ca rry in g out the p ro viaicn a o f Faragraphs XV and VX of tho O rig in a l Eeerow Xnstructione ae h erein amended# and t l» terms o f the O rig in a l M oron In stru ctio n s have otherw ise teen com plied w ith , i f you have not c a rrie d out a l l o f tho p ro visio n s o f Paragraphs XV and VX o f the o-r ig ln a l Escrow in stru c tio n s as h erein amended on duly i , 195*# tho amendments to tho O rig in a l Escrow In stru ctio n s h erein made s h a ll fee o f no fore# and o ffs e t tad s h a ll fee disregarded fey you in carryin g out the terms o f sa id e scrow. i m a w s e l e s a s a l t l a k e r a i l r o a d c o m p a n y ®y B ___... W*. Reinhardt BHXOg PACIFIC RAILROAD COMFAHY LAS VISAS LAMS* AWD WATER CGHFANY i y ________W_m_._ __M i_n_h_a_r_Id t ^ i . "TOSI"'’fiiiiiiif LAS VISAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT » y 2.